Angelic Intervention

A Visit From An
R. was in a small hospital, very
ill and not expected to survive. One evening, as she lay in her
hospital bed, filled with fear about dying and leaving her young
children, a lady entered her room. The lady came to her bedside and
took her hand. The lady prayed over her and then said: "Don't be
afraid, the Lord has sent me to tell you that you will live." R.
later said, "She smiled at me and I felt calm."

did survive, apparently much to her doctor's surprise. After she was
discharged from the hospital and had returned home, she called the
hospital and asked to speak to the nurse who had prayed with her
that night. The nurse who answered her call said: "I'm sorry, but I
don't know who you could be talking about. There is no one on our
staff like that." R. responded: "Yes, there is. She prayed over me
and I want to thank her!" The nurse insisted there was no one like
the lady working in that hospital.
R. became frustrated and
finally went to the hospital to try to find out who the wonderful
nurse was who prayed with her. No one recognized the lady; everyone
R. talked with said they could not think of any nurse like that one.
One of the nursing staff finally said: "There could not be any nurse
like that because there are no black nurses on staff
The word angel derives from the Greek
word "angelos" and means "divine messenger".
The Hebrew word
for angel is "mal'ak" which also means "messenger". In Islamic
tradition, the angel Jibril (the angel Gabriel in Judeo-Christian
doctrines) gave the Koran to the prophet Muhammed.

Do you have a guardian angel?
Some people believe that they have a guardian angel who
intercedes for them, helps them, and guides them.
When you
were a child, did you see and communicate with your guardian angel?
Many very young children seem to talk to an unseen being and
sometimes it seems that they are listening to and answering someone
who is truly communicating with them.
Some religions teach that if a soul
achieves sufficient enlightenment while on the earth, one becomes
"as the angels" after death.
In the Bible it is mentioned
that one can entertain an angel unaware, without recognizing that
the being you have encountered, who appears to be in human form, is
an angel.

Some people believe
that man, though "lesser than the angels", has the potential to do
wondrous good like the angels do.
According to the
Hebrews, the Angels were God's first creation. There are nine orders
in the hierarchy of angels. The highest order are the
- Angels
- Archangels
- Principalities
- Powers
- Virtues
- Dominions
- Thrones
- Cherubim
- Seraphim
Some religious doctrines teach that there are seven
archangels. The Bible mentions three archangels: Michael ('who is
like God'), Gabriel ('God is my strength') and Raphael ('God has
healed'). Some doctrines also mention the archangel Uriel.

According to the New Testament, Gabriel was the archangel
who told the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the son of
God. It appears that sometimes angels are sent to earth in human
form as healers. In the Catholic version of the Bible, the Book of
Tobit is included. The archangel Raphael was sent to cure Tobit of
his blindness. Raphael is regarded as the angel of healing and the
angel who is supervises the work of all of the guardian angels.

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