Brandon University
Brandon University, located in the city of Brandon Manitoba, offers two-degree programs in psychiatric-mental health nursing. The university offers the Bachelor of Science in Mental Health and the Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing. Current Registered Psychiatric Nurses are given advanced standing in the programs and are required to complete two years of study for either degree. The Bachelor of Science in Psychiatric Nursing (BSc.P.N.) is the only degree of its kind in Canada and possibly North America.
Douglas College
Douglas College, located in the city of New Westminster British Columbia, offers a diploma and an advanced diploma in psychiatric nursing. The diploma program provides the basic foundation of psychiatric nursing education while the advanced diploma prepares the Registered Psychiatric Nurse for an advanced level of practice. Potential candidates must be currently registered to practice in their respective jurisdiction. Registered General Duty Nurses may be required to demonstrate sufficient knowledge of psychiatric nursing prior to admission to the program.
In a collaborative effort with the Open Learning University of British Columbia, graduates of the Advanced Diploma in Psychiatric Nursing may elect to continue studies in pursuit of a Bachelor of Health Sciences in Psychiatric Nursing degree.
Grant MacEwan College
This college offers a diploma in psychiatric nursing program. The college is located in Ponoka Alberta. Successful completion of the program allows candidates to write the provincial examination which is required in all of the western provinces. Students wishing to continue their course of study in psychiatric nursing may do so either at Douglas College or at Brandon University. Also, students are granted standing in the Bachelor of Nursing Degree program offered through the University of Alberta. This option is available only at the Edmonton Campus.
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