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Pubmates International
Pick a City - Meet a Barfly! The social drinkers listed below have volunteered to be "drinking-points-of-contact" for their hometowns. If you are ever in one of the places below, contact the locals! They'd be glad to have a brew with ya'!

Melbourne, New South Wales
Adelaide, South Australia
Email Adam Parker of Adam's Cocktail Lounge

Vancouver, British Columbia
Email Jeff
St.John's, Newfoundland
Email Paul
Barrie, Ontario
Email Rosie
Hamilton, Ontario
Email Jeff Everets
Larder Lake, Ontario
Email Dave of The Larder Lake Beer Association
Toronto, Ontario
Email Rosie
Email Angela
Windsor, Ontario
Email Mike Drexler

Guayaquil, Guayas
Email Barcillo of The Booze Zone

Paris, Ile-de-France
Email Adam Hatia of Guide to Pubs and Bars in Paris
Montpellier, Languedoc
Email Phil Blasco

Dublin City, Dublin
Email Chris Zimmerman

Sasebo, Nagasaki
Email Steve
Island of Malta
Email Robert Gauci

Marshall Islands
Islands of the Kwajelein Atoll
Email Linda Klaastad

Bakel, Brabant
Email Siel Peijs
Groningen City, Groningen
Email A. Tepper
Maastricht, Limburg
Email Roger Castermans
Utrecht City, Utrecht
Email Kyle Wohlmut

South Africa
Johannesburg, Gauteng (PWV)
Email Brett Lancaster

Stockholm, Stockholm
Email Robban Tammerstrand

United Kingdom
Chelmsford [Essex], England
Email Kevin Marshall
Huddersfield [West Yorkshire], England
Email Mark Anderson
London, England
Email Adrian Clarke of The Bearded Budda of Beer
Email John Paul Adams
Email Gavin Williams of Ferretland
Luton [Bedforshire], England (just outside of London)
Email Steve of Drinkers & Alcohol United
Oxford, England
Email Tobbs
Nottingham, England
Email Adrian Clarke of The Bearded Budda of Beer
Belfast, Northern Ireland
Email Terry Daly

United States
Oakland, California
Email David Birkhead
Sacramento, California
Email Laurie and Tim
Washington, District of Columbia
Email The Beer Meister of The BellAholics
Atlanta, Georgia
Email Doug Williams
United States (continued)
Deltona, Florida
Email Kathy Hamlin of Hey Bartender!
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Email Bo Zaza of Happy Hour Headquarters
Email Joe
Sanford, Florida
Email surge_and_bazoom
Chana, Illinois
Email Shannon of Shannon's Web Pub
Chicago, Illinois
Email Dave Laforge of The Worlds Greatest Drinkers Page
Edison Park, Illinois
Email Mark G.
Park Ridge, Illinois
Email Mark G.
Schaumburg, Illinois
Email Mark G.
Streamwood, Illinois
Email Mark G.
Urbana, Illinois
Email Dan Weir
Terre Haute, Indiana
Email Jeremy Castle
California, Maryland
Email Ron Abler
Towson, Maryland
Email Brian
Amherst, Massachusetts
Email Joe of Lothar's Lair
Boston, Massachusetts
Email Carl Van Leeuwen
Email Tim Swift
Detroit, Michigan
Email Russell Mack of Ye Olde Tap Room
Foley, Minnesota
Email Colleen
Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota
Email J. Kris Baca
Email Jules Belinski of Minneapolis
St. Cloud, Minnesota
Email Colleen
St. Joseph, Missouri
Email Chris Miller of A Friend in Mead is a Friend Indeed!
St. Louis, Missouri
Email Dave Schaefer
Email Stephen A. Goodrich/AKA Fat Bastard of Bell-Scot Hash House Harriers
Lake Tahoe, Nevada
Email Glenn Meyer
Reno, Nevada
Email John Taft
Email Glenn Meyer
Mesilla Park, New Mexico
Email Robert Bogart of Brandoch's Used Books and Music
New York City, New York
Email Jeremiah Kristal
Email Ike Walker
Hickory, North Carolina
Email Cuda
Bedford, Pennsylvania
Email Erick Seager
Columbus, Ohio
Email Jim Minor
Hazleton, Pennsylvania
Email Constabl
Email TahCha
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Email Big Earl of Earl's BEvERage Page
Clemson, South Carolina
Email Steve Livingston
Bristol, Tennessee
Email el niño of EL CORRUPTOR
Amarillo, Texas
Email Wild Boomer of Boomer's Roadhouse Club
Austin, Texas
Email Rob & Ann Marie Clattenburg of Club Spit
Email Steven Ormrod
Arlington, Virginia
Email The Beer Meister of The BellAholics
Bristol, Virginia
Email el niño of EL CORRUPTOR
Lacey, Washington
Email Christina and Jay
Seattle, Washington
Email Paul Neacsu
Email Kegmaster
Email Tom, aka "slipnot"
Vashon, Washington
Email Paul Neacsu
Green Bay, Wisconsin
Email Neil Charles Dorner of The un-Official Beer Game Site!!
Shawano, Wisconsin
Email Jeff Kothe

Happy Hour
 Crew Boomer's Roadhouse Club Guide to Pubs
 and Bars in Paris The un-Official Beer Game Site!! Big Earl Club Spit BellAholics The Booze Zone Adam's Cocktail Lounge Ye Olde
 Tap Room Brandoch's Used Books and Music Ferretland

What is "Pubmates International" all about?

Pubmates International is NOT a drinking group. As you can see from the groups above, we have plenty of them already. Instead, the PI web site has two simple purposes:
  1. To help social drinkers contact each other.
  2. To promote other web sites, whether or not they are related to social drinking.
If you are interested in being added as a social drinker for your town, or you would like to exchange links, or even do both, CLICK HERE for more details.

Thanks for checking us out. We hope to hear from you! Any questions? Comments? EMAIL ME!

Melvin R. Toad
Pubmates International Webmaster

Links and Rings

The following links to other web sites and rings may or may not be related to drinking. Anyone can exchange a link with Pubmates International. Interested? CLICK HERE for details.

if your not wasted, a day is...

The Bushey Heath Pub Guide
The Hotel Guide Find a Hotel... anywhere!
The Booze Cruise A photo travel-account about a drinking holiday on the English canals.
The Thursday Night Club of Fairfield, Connecticut
The Opinionated Beer Page
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alcohol ale bar barfly beer booze champagne cherry drink drunk find friend group international lager lush love locate liquor pilsner piss pub sex snort shooter sot stupor social shot stout trash toast vice vodka wine wheat whiskey Pubmates International Pick a City - Meet a Barfly! The social drinkers listed below have volunteered to be "drinking-points-of-contact" for their hometowns. If you are ever in one of the places below, contact the locals! They'd be glad to have a brew with ya'! Australia Melbourne, New South Wales Adelaide Adam's Cocktail Lounge Canada Vancouver, British Columbia Lumberjack's Homepage St.John's, Newfoundland Barrie, Toronto, Ontario Windsor Ecuador Guayaquil, Guayas The Booze Zone France Paris, Ile-de-France Galivanting About Paris Montpellier, Languedoc Terroir French Wines Ireland Dublin Pub Review Japan Sasebo, Nagasaki Malta Marshall Islands Islands of the Kwajelein Atoll NetherlandsBakel, Brabant Groningen Utrecht South Africa Johannesburg, Gauteng (PWV United Kingdom London, England The Bearded Budda of Beer Johns London Pub Page Ferretland Oxford Nottingham United States Oakland, California Stone Gate Tavern Washington, District of Columbia BellAholics Deltona, Florida Hey Bartender! Fort Lauderdale Happy Hour Headquarters Chana, Illinois Shannon's Web Pub Chicago, Illinois Worlds Greatest Drinkers Page Terre Haute, Indiana Iowa City California, Maryland Towson Amherst, Massachusetts Lothar's Lair Boston, Massachusetts First Church of the Holy Brew Thor's Guinness Page Detroit, Michigan Ye Olde Tap Room Minneapolis St. Paul, Minnesota St. Joseph, Missouri A Friend in Mead is a Friend Indeed! St. Louis Big Beer Drinkers Club Lake Tahoe, Reno, Nevada Mesilla Park, New Mexico Brandoch's Used Books and Music New York City, New York Hickory, North Carolina Hazleton, Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Clemson, South Carolina Bristol, Tennessee EL CORRUPTOR Amarillo, Texas Boomer's Roadhouse Club Austin, Texas Club Spit Arlington, Virginia Bristol, Virginia Lacey, Washington Welcome @ Internet Seattle, Washington The Kegger Network Drunk Industries Green Bay, Wisconsin un-Official Beer Game Site!! Shawano, Wisconsin Boomer's Drinkin', Shootin', & Laughin' Page