hey, punks! this is my basic page. i have let it gather cobwebs and now i am updating it. i will be adding more links, more images, more *useful* information and more, well, whatever. e-mail me and tell me what you think! if you wanna add a link, we'll do it. email me at


e-mail: e-mail, fuckers

wHY puNk RocK rUleS

i first discovered punk rock when i was 14. that was the summer. i never felt so connected with anything in my life. i'd found my calling. punk rock was honest. WAS honest. you see, with all of these "jumpers" (that is people who jump on the bandwagon) and $ellouts (if you even question it, i think you should get off of this computer and go outside. learn something. or better yet, listen to some punk rock.)incorporating the scene, we don't get any diversity. punk is becoming a commodity. it's all the same barre chords and lyrics about "uncle sam sucks" or "i slept in the gutter in my own puke". so WHY IS PUNK SO COOL. WHY DOES PUNK RULE? well, becuase when it gets so mainstream it gets tired. it goes back underground and then, in about ten years resurfaces and you hear some truly amazing bands. if you dig underground tunes, check out all the indy record labels and buy somehting you've never heard of.