See a video archive from MusiquePlus here.

The video for PUSH, the first single from their album Silver, was done for about 2000$. It was released independently [before EMI came along]. The black and white video has some kind a raw feeling, it's quite beautiful in that sense. Quite popular when it was first shown it is still played quite frequently on Much Music and Music Plus. It made a small appearance I am told on Beavis and Butthead. It's basically only David, mark shares the stage at some point and the rest of the guys are seen playing about 3 times in the back. They seem to be in a warehouse, playing to some interesting looking people.
Push [817 K viv] from Moistnet
Push [5 M mov] from Moistnet

The video for SILVER, resembles push quite a bit. There are a couple of exceptions, the warehouse seems to have become a club [well a smaller more intimate setting], David is less high strong [he is seen holding Yvette, Mollies Revenge singer's, head. One of them is smoking a cigarette], the camera swings from David and Yvette to the band and back. There are few people in the setting. But essentially, it's black and white and focuses on David.

The video for BELIEVE ME, is basically about suicide. A girl with black hair, played by Bif Naked, tattoos a blond girl who a couple of seconds later, walks into water, kneels and drowns herself. The black hair girl, then, continues her tattoo on the dead girls body. The band is seen playing in a room, mostly seating down. The video is done in undefined colors, being black, white and silver. At the very end of the video a suicide hotline's number appears.

The video for FREAKY BE BEAUTIFUL, also involves Yvette. The video is quite simple. The band is seen playing in a white room, possibly that of an old Victorian house. David wears a green shirt over a black t, the rest of the band looks the same [much like they did in Silver]. The plot revolves around Yvette, shown dressing from a "good girl" in a suit and wig to the mohawk and leather tight clothes she normally wears. She is watching the transformation on a television, [a camera is taping her]. The video was released in the UK and as I understand it Much Music does not have it.

There are two different videos for LEAVE IT ALONE, but I have only seen one and supposedly there are little difference between both. It's very well done [lot more money went into it...]. The band seems to be playing in a drug rehab, or AIDS clinic, or psychiatric unit of some sort. Well whatever, the people that appear seem to be a little distracted. David is playing cards with three [I believe] patients. The band is seen a lot more than in other previous videos. This is the first video from Creature.
Leave It Alone [622 K viv] from Moistnet
Leave It Alone (live, with My Conditioning) [1 M viv] from Moistnet

There are also two different videos for RESSURECTION, the first one is played more frequently, and is quite interesting. It revolves around a concept of boxes, the director came up with. There are many boxes and they appear one after the other. David lives in each boxes and resurrects in the next... The people in these boxes are very fascinating. [a man frozen in an ice cube, a boy and his airplane, people playing badminton, a transvestite, couple having tea, a couple kissing...]. The rest of the band appear in the boxes also. When David gets to "And if anger is the ending..." the boxes are smaller and tinnier, he is shown in different poses and in various lighting. It's extraordinary.
Resurrection [4.5 M mov] from Arista Records

The second video for RESSURECTION, is simply MOIST in concert. It's quite a realistic view of a moist concert, and yes... David does attack Kevin's keyboard... It was released after the other one. Maybe to promote their shows, who knows...

There are also two videos for TANGERINE, the difference being there are two versions of the song, the first version [same on creature] and the second a remix [when the single for gasoline came out they included as second track the Tangerine video edit, if you purschased Creature with the bonus, you have two versions of Tangerine]. The differences in the video can hardly be noticed. In the remix version David is seen less and we meet kevin, mark, jeff and paul. The story [or whatever you wish to call it, the man and the object of his thoughts] is more clearly defined. The first video seems to have more color, but both are inclosed in dark images. There seems to be a hanging feeling in the room...

The video for GASOLINE was filmed the week after Canadian Thanksgiving, so sometime in October of 1997 in Mexico. The director in Javier [he also did Forest Fire for David's solo Little Song, also filmed in Mexico]. It is almost purely black and white, for the exception of the end. I have many theories I believe it represents but I won't bore you with them, but here is a pretty simple view of what you see. At first we see a plane, and we can here a woman's voice speaking Spanish [sorry I still can't make out what she is saying, hablo solamente un poco de espaņol]. Kevin appears sitting next to woman puts on a blindfold, gets up and starts hitting a piņata. Scene changes and we see Mexican workers moving towards us, they have been building a wall of mud. David appears, a truck soon fallows (there are Mexicans, some wearing mask, in the truck). Paul is then seen digging his own grave, and then jumping in it. David appears it starts to rain [people still building mud wall]. Jeff appears also [here it doesn't rain] he seems quite dazed. David runs to a passing bus with a green and white interior, it is filled with people, some of them wearing masks. A strange looking boy is driving. Jeff and David are also in this bus. An old catholic woman sitting next to Jeff blesses him and cracks an egg on his forehead. This is actually a fertility ritual. Different scene, this one involving mark. Looking confused and very serious he looks into a microscope (or something of the sort). Then we see David (in the bus) singing. Then Mark again, he places a little steeple on the ground. The next scene is a life scale of that steeple, on fire. David is running away from it (did he burn it ?). He trips and falls, a red cross van appears men white clothing run to him, a woman also.