Friday, April 9th 1999, Paul (Wilcox) was interviewed from Nashville on Toronto's Alternative Station The Edge, by George Srom... (i don't know, something that sounds greek). The following is a transcript of the interview, painstackingly done by Rev.

G- We are now joined by Paul from Moist. You guys are in Nashville working on the new record. What's it sound like?
P- Hard to say man! You have to check it out for yourself. It'll be out, uh, hopefully sorta the end, the last week of June before Edgefest starts. We'll have a single out in may
G- What's it gonna be called?
P- Don't know yet. We're still working on that.
G- Is, uh, now you're mixing it. Is it sounding exactly like you thought it would when you went into the studio?
P- No. Cuz we didn't really have a concrete idea on what (big big stumble here *LMAO* anyways) sounded at that point
G- Guys just walked in with a couple of thoughts and just made the music there?
P- Well no, we had, everything was in order. It's just, uh, you know, together with the producer David Leonard, we just, you know, experimented with a lot of stuff and uh, came up with something we thing is pretty interesting
G- Define interesting...
P-Umm, it's a bit of a departure, you know, i mean, we're not reinventing the band but its uh, just a lot of different sounds and some loops and you know, umm, that kinda thing
G- Alright. And what kind of show will you give people at Edgefest?
P- Well... it'll be our usual rockin set...
G- Hahah
P- we'll have some fun...
G- You gonna nail anyone to a cross this year?
P- Hahahahha (hahahhaha), I think, i'll a, i'll try to do that every 2 yaers. I think i'll maybe put that off this year. But you never know
G- You wanna keep its freshness right?
P- Yeah, you know, if i'm presented with that kind of opportunity i dunno what i'll do, but uh, that certainly was a highlight of last years edgefest, for me anyways
G- Well, how did that happen? Did the guys from the FooFighters walk up to you and say "hey wanna crucify somebody?"
P- Umm, its sorta in conjunction with this guy Dan Pollen outta St. Catherines, who uh, does alot of that kinda stuff. He's abit of a masidist i guess.
G- That's a weird thing to put on your resume
P- Yeah. Yeah, it was bizarre, it was a bizarre thing to do. But it was fun you know? And people seemed to dig it so that's the important thing, right?
G- Haha, i think people just can't seem to forget it. It's not what we expected
P- Hahaha
G- Hhahaha
G- Good loving Canadian band nailed a guy to a cross!
P- He wanted to do it man! it wasn't against his will! He was into it. He was like foaming at the mouth for it
G- And how weird was that for you?
P- You know, it was a little, like just thinking about it was a little odd, but once i started doing it i kinda thought, you know, i can do this
G- ahha, i don't think i wanna know that man
P- Hahhaha
G- So, uh, after you do Edgefest what are you guys gonna do? like, a small tour on your own?
P- We'll be doing our own tour in the fall but umm, for the rest of the summer we might be doing one offs, we're not really sure yet. Everythings sorta up in the air
G- Alright that's....
P- We'll be doing our own tour across Canada. like, you know, really comprenhenisve, like, hitting every market, town we can
G- Cool. You like doing shows like Edgefest or would you prefer to be doing your own club date?
P- They both are fun for different reasons. It's alot of funto play with a bunch of bands, like, people you haven't seen in awhile. We've been pretty quiet for a couple of years now
G- Uh huh
P- And uh, we only played i think about 12 shows last year. so it's good to get out and play. And uh both shows are going to be a lot different because you know, our own shows are our own shows exactly, so we can, uh, you know, we can try some different things. but it's sort of acommunal thing, umm, during Edgefest, but they're both you know, alot of fun
G- Cool. And this year you don't have to come on after the drum sets on fire
P- No. Thank god
G- Did you watch the Green Day set?
P- Oh yeah, absolutely. They're great
G- Totally
P- You know, the last show in Vancouver, last year, the Foo Fighters did that
G- they set their stage on fire?
P- They set their drum set on fire right before Green Day. Hahhahaha
G- Hahahha. I heard that Green Day just added extra lighter fluid to make themselves a bigger blaze
P- i guess, yeah, that was a hassle for their crew, i guess. They had to fix their drumset afterwards every time
G- yeah, and there was like thousands of dollars of damage to the stage after ever night
P- Yeah, it was, it got pretty messy though. Cuz they had to put it out right
G- Yeah sure
P- there was water and what have you all over the place
G- Well that's cool. Well thanks for talking to us man! We look forward to talking to you on Canada day
P- are you guys gonna be on site?
G- Yeah we will
P- Excellent, I will see you then!
G- Excellent, be cool Paul
P- Thanks man!
G- Moist... Machine Punch Through