A few facts

It is estimated that one out of 
every five children is sexually or emotionally abused in the United States. 
This alarming statistic means that more than 2 million children are abused 
each year. 
It's a statistic that tells that 
in a neighborhood there is a pedophile in every fourth house. 
We try to protect our children, 
but somehow it seems that it's never enough. 
We warned our daughter, and thought 
that we had protected her, and that she would never be hurt in that way. 
But she was. 
She seems okey today, but it has been a long way to get her back to the girl she used to be. 
But what about all the rest.We have to try to stop this. 


This I wrote in 1996, and things are even worse. I have no statstic results but we can follow the news evry day. Children abuse children. Children kill children. Children are molested.Pedophiles arrested.

Pedophiles use internett to find victims, and more.

Also since I started this page in 1996 I was not ready to tell that I myself was a survivor, but maintaining this page helped me to do so.

Today is january 2001 and I'm giving this page a complete facelift.

Not sure if I can add much new. but the page will be here, cause I've experienced that the page is support to some in need for that.

They know that they are not alone!