30 April 2000
Reading: Lincoln's Dreams - Connie Willis
Listening: strange musin on the radio
Thinking: I still feel sick, and I don't know what to have for dinner
Drinking: Ovaltine
Ok-o-meter: 6, ok but I feel kinda sick
Quote for the day:  * - tribble, DELETE *.* - "how dare you delete all my tribbles!"
Weather report: windy but clear and warm

I had the stomach flu most of the week. I came down with it late Tuesday, had it Wednesday and stayed home from work Thursday.  Friday I went to work, but I still felt kinda awful in the afternoon.  Yesterday I felt ok, and then today I'm kinda stomach-achy.  I didn't have Lorelei cause I didn't feel good.

Mommy and Daddy and Deb and her friend Der went to the Asparagus Festival yesterday.  Deb got a sunburn really bad on her arms.

The work is not all that hard and the people are really nice.  I've got the basics down I just need to get the details now.  The girl who was training me was only going to be there to train me for Monday and Tuesday, but she managed to stay because she didn't have a job yet.  Now she has found another temp postition in one of the other town's AgCom station.  She will still come into the office once a week until I have it all down.  Tomorrow is the first of the month and I'm going to be thrown into the monthly reports right away.  As a plus, one of the crop owners came in this past week to buy some squirrel poison and left us some asparagus.  This is a nice perk to working here, abundance of crops in season.

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