1 August 2000 
Listening: country music
Drinking: juice
Ok-o-meter: 7
Quote for the day: 
Weather report: sunny

Talked to D last night for about 2 hours.  It was nice to hear his voice again.  I opened with "are you mad at me?" and explained about dreams lately, and suggested that maybe he was putting off some long distance vibes.  He said no, that if I had been getting any long distance vibes, they would have been very different.

We talked about drinking and drugs and sex and discussed our views on the "it just happened" theory.  I don't beleive that someone can get into a situation where they would have sex with someone (especially in a cheating situation) and say that it "just happened".  No such thing.

Wayne called me at work and says he misses me.  He doesn't know when he'll be home, the money Heather was supposed to get didn't come.  I told him not to use the money his mom gave him.  We will probably need it for something.  I told him to go ahead and wait until they get money to send him home.  He says he misses me and Ana and the kids horribly and I miss him too, but I'm having fun by myself.  I have time on the computer and I clean the house without interference.  I can talk on the phone to my friends or watch my shows or take care of Ana without someone critisizing or talking over or interrupting.  But also when I think of something or want to voice my complaints, there is no one to talk to.

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