Hey, wait a second translations?
What do you mean?
Well, without getting into too much detail there
are these files called IPS's (International Patching System) which convert
the text inside a rom into a different language text. (Usually English)
You just apply the Ips patch to the Rom and poof, it's translated.
Not all Ips translate the entire game. Some might just translate
the menus or spells or names or something like that.
Here's an example: You have the Japanese
Final Fantasy 5 rom, then (assuming it has been made by someone) you look
around the Internet and find a full translation FF5 Ips. Once you
get it, you patch/combine it with the Rom and now you can read all the
text in English. Yea! =)
How is this possible?
Well, I'd like to know that too, but what they
basically do is hack into a Rom and change the text inside it. Then
when they are done changing the text inside the Rom, they just create these
Ips patches. It's kind of like a translator translating a document
for someone, but instead its in game text. (Obviously they have to
know atleast 2 different languages very well for them to do this.)
Usually many people work on one project because translating is so long
and tedious, escpecially with a WHOLE game...
How do I apply these Ips Patches?
Read the Readme files in the utilities for the
Ips programs. It's very simple. Usually what you have to do is click
and drag or type in some stuff in the program. It's very easy to
do. You should have no problem.
Where do I get these Ips Patches?
Well, they are pretty much all over the internet.
Below I have some links to individual Translation Groups where you can
get stuff from. All the major emulation sites have them. Try
Zophar's Domain, Archaic Ruins, etc... You can find links to these
pages in my emulation links section.
The best programs that are out there and are
able to do this job are listed below and ready to download right here in
this section.
IPS Patcher +Plus | This is a program that will patch any Rom Image with any specified .ips patch. It's excellent. So easy to use! Get it... |
Snes Tool | This utility is a must have for everyone. It has so many features, that it's invaluable. You can create Ips, combine Ips, take out Ips, combine roms, and so much more. A must have, Period! Very user friendly too. |
Omizone | Not a Translating group but, a great site for latest news and updates on translation and links to many more Translation Groups. Definetely check it out. |
RPGe | The group that made us the great Final Fantasy 5j translation. They are also working on Getsufuu, Dragon Quest's 1 and 2, , Gun Hazard, Maden, Front Mission and some others. |
Neo Demiforce | It's the group that made the complete translation of the great Nes classics Adventure Island 4 and Final Fantasy 2j. Also currently they are working on TwinBee 3, Dragon Warrior 6, WonderBoy 2, Goemon, and Konami World. |
J2E Translations | This is the group that provided us with Final Fantasy 4j and Nadia patches. They are working on others too. Check out their site for more info. |
Transcore | This group is handling Villgust, and 7th Saga 2: Mystic Arc, as well as some others. |
Kanji Hack | They are taking care of translating RPGMaker: Super Dante, and the sequel, RPG Maker 2. |
DeJap | I believe they are the new authors of Seiken 3 (Secret of Mana 2) translation. They have created many good translations over time. |
AAGT | It's the Adventure, Action Game Translators. They are working on the Rockman/ Forte game. |
Manipulate | I believe they are working on Maze of Galious and Deburas translations. |
G-Trans | They translate games from English to German. They are translating both Zelda games for the NES and Crono Trigger. I don't know much about them... since I don't know German. But I've heard many good things about them. |