Gaming Links

  Imagine Games Network Get the latest News on the Psx, N64, Dreamcat, and Pc.  Reviews, screenshots, contests, and a whole bunch of other stuff.
  RPG Gamer An Rpg fan's HEAVEN!  Everything and anything on Rpgs.   One of my favorite sites.
  Alpha - and - Omega Cy's page has a little bit of everything.  (I'm a member of the staff there)  Emulation, Game Reviews, MiDis, Mp3's, a lot on RPG's, Codes.  A must see page! Very good site.  It's focused on the Psx, N64, and Sega Dreamcast.  News, many reviews, previews, and pictures.
  Destination-Psx All the lastest on the Playstation.  Critiques, news, and much more.
  The Next Level Great stuff here.  It's all about Psx, Dreamcast, Sega Saturn, and the Arcade.  News, editorial, reviews, previews, a web forum and more...
  SquareSoft File Cabinet This page has a lot on SquareSoft Rpg's.  Games info, walkthroughs, secrets, and tons of other Rpg stuff.
  CNET Gamecenter Everything you need to know about PC games.  Tips, tricks, pictures, reviews, message boards, etc...


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