Randy's Health Tips Homepage...
Creation Date: August 25, 1997... Last modified: May 2, 1998
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These tips are taken from various sources, such as the Men's Health Magazine, Prevention, etc.
I am not endorsing any of these tips, just passing on what I have read.
July, 2000...

During exercise, lactic acid can build up in the muscles and cause soreness and fatigue.
Taking baking soda neutralizes that lactic acid, allowing you to train harder and perform better.

Aspirin helps prevent colon cancer.

Milk is more fattening than beer... in moderation.
And moderate beer drinking (1 or 2 a day) can lower your heart disease risk by 40 percent and prevent the formation of blood clots. But not any old beer will do. Micro-brewed dark beer is the best.

Lifting weights lowers your cholesterol and blood pressure.

An hour's nap in the middle of the day gives you the same benefit as three hours of sleep at night.

A cup of tea provides more antioxidants than a serving of broccoli or carrots.

A large order of fries has more fat than a Quarter Pounder.

Severe jaw pain can be an indication of heart problems.

To remove a splinter, apply some Elmer's Glue. When it dries, peel it off, and usually the splinter will come off with the glue.

If you tend to get sick on airplanes, choose a seat on the wing on the right side of the aircraft. Most flight plans turn left, so you won't be flung around as much if you sit on the right.

You can tell if a woman is on the pill by checking how often she blinks. Women on the pill blink an average of 19 times a minute, or one-third more often than women who aren't on the pill.

10 ounces of cranberry juice a day will help prevent cystitis.
Carbohydrates produce insulin.
The big nutritional billing behind milk is that it's a great source of calcium. But that's overrated. The high amount of phosphorus in cow's milk interferes with calcium absorption. Aging magnifies the problem even more, so the older you are, the less calcium you're going to get from moo juice. Better sources of the bone-building mineral include such dark-green as kale, swiss chard, and broccoli. The best source of all, though, is a supplement of calcium citrate or hydroxyapatite. Take 800-1600 mg a day.
Green peas have 3 times more fiber, 40% more iron, and 25% more vitamin A and C than green beans.
A large order of McDonald's French Fries has 22 grams of fat and 450 calories--more than a quarter pounder. A Super Size order of fries has more calories and nearly as much fat as a Big Mac.

10 foods you should never eat.....

  1. Quaker Harvest Crunch original blend cereal.... Too much sugar and saturated fat.
  2. Dunkin' Donuts Plain Cake doughnut.... Too much saturated fat.
  3. Nissin Cup Noodles with Shrimp.... Too much salt and fat.
  4. Movie-theatre popcorn popped in coconut oil.... Too much saturated fat.
  5. Oscar Mayer lunchables.... 5 teaspoons of fat.
  6. Haagen-Dazs ice cream.... Twice the fat of regular ice cream.
  7. Campbell's regular soups.... 2000 mg of salt per can!
  8. Rice-a-Roni Chicken and Vegetables.... 1 cup has 1470 mg of salt.
  9. Fettucini Alfredo.... average entree has 22 teaspoons of fat.
  10. Stick butter or margarine.... 1 tablespoon has 7g of saturated fat.
New research shows that when you drink cold water, it burns body fat away. You burn extra calories with every glass you drink. In fact, some doctors call it "the most powerful key to fat loss". The colder the water, the higher the rate of fat fat-burning...your body has to work harder to warm the cold water.
Switch your fat-burners to HIGH simply by eating the right snacks at the right time of day. According to recent research, it takes 8 times as many calories to turn a food that's rich in complex carbohydrates into body fat as it does to turn dietary fat into body fat. Eating the right snacks is like tossing dry leaves on a campfire. But to keep your inner fire burning HIGH, you must snack. Regular snacking activates your fat-burners, while skipping snacks and meals dampens your metabolism and enhances the fat-storing process.

Potassium CAN help lower blood pressure. While the research evaluated potassium in the form of pills or supplements, it's likely that similar benefits would occur from potassium-rich foods such as oranges and bananas, says Dr. Paul Whelton. And with natural sources of potassium, there are absolutely no side effects.
The Look Good..Feel Better Web site http://www.lgfb.ca offers women who have had cancer makeup tips, makeovers, information on free workshop locations and materials, and links to other cancer sites.

Chocolate does not cause acne.
Black cherry juice may combat tooth decay.
Cooked carrots are better for you than raw.
Garlic can help keep the sniffles at bay.
A low-fat diet may be harmful to tots and young women.
If you have arthritis, eat plenty of salmon, sardines, and other fatty fish to counter inflammation. Fruits high in citrus bioflavonoids are also good. Eat high fiber, low calorie foods to help control weight. Cut down on vegetable oils and fatty beef and pork, which can add to inflammation. And avoid any food that provokes symptoms. Ginger is a good anti-inflammatory.
Some oils such as canola, olive, and flaxseed have special properties that may help keep your heart and arteries healthy.
Sugar, on it's own, doesn't cause diabetes.
Celery may be a new weapon against high blood pressure.
Fish really is a brain food. It contains a substance the brain needs to make alertness-boosting chemicals.
Honey is a natural antibiotic.
Red wine can trigger a migraine.
Strawberries and sweet potatoes may help prevent cancer and heart disease.
A peanut butter and jelly sandwich makes a quick energy pick-me-up. It contains twice as much protein as a bologna sandwich.
A cup of tea a day may help keep the doctor away.
Eating oatmeal can help you keep diabetes in check.
Brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage and broccoli may help you live a long life. All four are high in cancer-fighting compounds.

Nov 19, 1997...

Treat tired, puffy eyes by holding a peeled, grated raw potato against them in a clean handkerchief. Cucumber slices or cold, wet tea bags will also work. - Cassandra Kent, author of Household Hints and Tips.

By eating high-carbohydrate foods such as rice, spaghetti, bread and baked potatoes, you can speed up your calorie-burning for hours after a meal, says Dr. Neal Barnard, author of "Foods That Cause You to Lose Weight II." Carbohydrates increase the natural production of the thyroid and noradrenaline hormones - both of which speed up metabolism.

Nov 18, 1997...

Notes from Dr, Weiler's Spontaneous Healing Show...
Know someone who has Alzheimers? Check out www.alzheimer.ca
Aug 25, 1997...

Can't get to sleep? Try Valerian. Studies show the herb valerian is a safe, effective alternative to prescription sleeping pills. Best of all, it's non-addictive. Get it at your health food store.

Got asthma? Naturopathic doctors treat asthma with onion juice, and it work like a charm. That's because onions contain compounds that mysteriously relaxes the bronchial muscles and prevent spasms.
RECIPE....blend 2 ounces of onion juice with 2 ounces of carrot juice and 2 ounces of parsley juice. Drink this blend twice each day. Of course, use this remedy in conjunction with proper medical treatment.

LEG CRAMPS....do you get leg cramps when running  or cycling? Try apple cider vinegar.
vinegar is high in potassium, and low potassium levels may cause some cramping. For best results, drink a mixture of 2 teaspoons of vinegar and 1 teaspoon of honey in a glass of warm water.

MILK can heal a burn...but not if you drink it. For minor, first degree burns, soak the  burned area in whole milk for 15 minutes or so. Or you can apply a milk-soaked washcloth. Repeat either treatment every 2 to 6 hours as needed for pain. Just be sure to rinse your skin (and the washcloth) afterward, because the milk will smell bad as it warms up.

GUM DISEASE cause the loss of more teeth than cavities. Here's a simple, natural way you can help prevent gum disease. When your gums look inflamed and irritated, add a drop of
tea tree essential oil
to your toothbrush, on top of your toothpaste, before brushing. Tea tree is a natural antiseptic that helps prevent gum disease before it starts.

ULCERS? Cure them with cabbage. Cabbage contains a lot of glutamine, an amino acid that has been shown to heal ulcers. Have at least one healthy serving of steamed cabbage each day for 2 weeks.

MOTION SICKNESS...A scientific study from Britain says that ginger is more effective than Dramamine in stopping motion sickness.You can buy candied ginger in Asian food markets and chew on it while travelling, or buy ginger supplements in your health food store. Take 2 500-milligram capsules an hour before travelling, and 1 or 2 more every 4 hours.

Got a urinary tract infection? Drink lots of cranberry juice. It helps prevent bacteria from anchoring to bladder walls. Drink REAL cranberry juice, not cranberry juice cocktail. They are too sweet. It has to be really tart to work. If you can't find cranberry juice, look for cranberry juice concentrate that you can mix with water. Drink 16 ounces per day to stave off the problem. Mix it with some fresh apple juice for the best taste.

Got STUNG by a bee? You can take the sting out of a bee bite, or from almost any other biting insect, with nothing besides the meat tenderizer in your kitchen cabinet. Most insect venom is protein-based, and meat tenderizers break down protein. Make a thick paste of water and powdered meat tenderizer and apply it directly to the skin.

TOOTH ACHE? Take a couple of cloves from the spice rack and place them between the aching tooth and your cheek. Chew the cloves a bit to help release their juice, then leave them in place for a half hour or so, until the pain subsides.

CUT yourself? Put SUGAR on it. Sugar is an excellent disinfectant. For open wounds or skin ulcerations, sprinkle on granulated sugar to help kill bacteria and speed healing. Use petroleum jelly to hold the sugar. Cover with a bandage. Change once or twice a day.

CHOLESTEROL....Grapes help lower cholesterol. there's a compound in grape skins and seeds the helps lower it.
is also a powerhouse cholesterol-buster. It also lowers blood pressure. You may not have any friends, but what the hell, you'll be healthier!

FOOD POISONING can be helped by eating bread. It has a tendency to soak up the poison for quick relief. A few slices of DRY BREAD...no butter or jam...should do it. Butter or jam will make you feel sicker.

SECOND HAND SMOKE CAN KILL! People who are regularly exposed to second hand smoke should consume more foods high in beta-carotene, like carrots, squash, yams, sweet potatoes and other yellow-orange vegetables, as well as foods rich in vitamin C, like citrus fruits, peppers and broccoli, and vitamin E, like wheat germ and nuts.

ECHINACEA is an herb available in health food stores, and is one of the best friends your immune system will ever have.It helps protect you against colds, flu and a host of other viruses. It works by stimulating your immune system, helping your body defend itself more vigorously against bacterial and viral infections.

SAFFRON...Natural healers consider saffron a wonderful  nerve and heart tonic, a blood cleanser and a blood thinner. They use it to help relieve memory problems caused by circulatory disease.

HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE can be helped by increasing your intake of potassium and magnesium. Eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, melons and dark green leafy vegetables.

A SORE THROAT can be helped with ginger and pineapple. Juice 3 pineapple rings with a 1/4 inch thick slice of fresh ginger for a delicious healing cocktail.

SMELLY FEET? Soak them in tea. YES, TEA! The tannic acid in tea eliminates the odor.

FLATULENCE can be prevented with a mixture of 1 teaspoon of grated fresh ginger pulp and 1 teaspoon of lime juice, taken immediately after eating. It prevents excess gas and lower abdominal pain.
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