Randy's Software Homepage...
Creation Date: September 19, 1998...
Last modified: September 19, 1998
..... Updated Jan 11, 1999...
I found a new version of the original disassembler for the mainframe on the
CBTweb site
so I updated my version to include all the new features.
My DISASM is heavily modified to produce a more useable and readable
assembler listing type of output. If a source deck is produced, it
can, in most cases, be passed through the assembler compiler to
produce a valid load module. This is a very usefull feature if the
original source for a load module has been lost, and modifications
are to be made to the module.
I now have 2 versions, DISASMC.ZIP, which is in TSO XMIT format, and DISASM.EXE, a
self-extracting ZIP file which contains normal source files that can be uploaded to the mainframe.
Once you have unzipped/uploaded my version, see member $DOC for instructions.
DISASM was originally added to my website on Nov. 19, 1998.
The file DISASM.EXE should contain the following files....
$ASM SRC 955 01-11-99 3:02p $ASM.SRC
$DOC SRC 3,989 01-11-99 3:02p $DOC.SRC
$REQU SRC 516 01-11-99 3:02p $REQU.SRC
CBTJCL SRC 666 01-11-99 3:02p CBTJCL.SRC
CLIST SRC 2,485 01-11-99 3:02p CLIST.SRC
CLIST2 SRC 817 01-11-99 3:02p CLIST2.SRC
DISALINK SRC 661 01-11-99 3:02p DISALINK.SRC
DISASM SRC 95,262 01-11-99 3:02p DISASM.SRC
DISASM1 SRC 97,464 01-11-99 3:02p DISASM1.SRC
DISASM2 SRC 153,585 01-11-99 3:03p DISASM2.SRC
DISASM3A SRC 28,150 01-11-99 3:03p DISASM3A.SRC
DISASM3B SRC 13,367 01-11-99 3:03p DISASM3B.SRC
DISASPRM SRC 12,362 01-11-99 3:03p DISASPRM.SRC
HOWDISAS SRC 25,867 01-11-99 3:03p HOWDISAS.SRC
OLDDOC SRC 19,707 01-11-99 3:06p OLDDOC.SRC
REQU SRC 1,148 01-11-99 3:12p REQU.SRC
RUNDIS SRC 718 01-11-99 3:06p RUNDIS.SRC
SVLNK SRC 3,026 01-11-99 3:06p SVLNK.SRC
SYSIN SRC 50 01-11-99 3:06p SYSIN.SRC
CBTDOWNS HTM 50,771 01-06-99 9:42a CBTDOWNS.HTM
1) PKUNZIP (or execute DISASM.EXE..) the modules into a PC directory.
2) Create an OBJECT pds on the main frame.
3) Create a LOAD pds on the main frame.
4) Create a SRC pds on the main frame.
4) Transfer all files from the PC directory to the mainframe SRC pds.
5) See member $DOC for instructions.
6) Use RUNDIS as example jcl.
To use DISASMC.ZIP, see the CBTweb site
Download DISASMC.ZIP here....
Download DISASM.EXE here....
Comments? Lemme have 'em. Mailto...