Randy's Mainframe Software Homepage...
Creation Date: September 18, 1998... Last modified: September 20, 1998

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Well, I've tried over the years to interest various companies in handling some of my mainframe software, but nobody was interested. So, I have decided to put some of it here, in the freeware category. Check it out....you may see something you like........

COPYRIGHT......you know the routine.......as this software is coded in my own unique style, etc., it is still mine, so you must leave it as is, and cannot sell it to anyone, or modify it, without my permission.

Most of it is written in the only REAL mainframe language....Assembler. Hopefully, all you have to change is the jcl to get it to run on your system.

DOCUMENTATION.....there is documentation, of course, so if you would rather get it from me rather than trying to figure it out from the code, send $20 US each for "postage and handling" to:

V.R. Hall,
1151 Palmer Rd.,
Victoria, B.C. Canada

If the name is BLUE, you can download it....
The rest may eventually end up here. If you see one you want, e-mail me at: bitron@islandnet.com

BACKDSNS Utility to backup/restore a list of datasets
BLNKSCRN Blank 3270 screen
CDSCB TSO command to modify DSCB's
CHGROUP The original racf chgroup command...
DATEFB Read a sequential file and change/add a date field (Y2K)
DATEVB Read a variable file and change/add a date field (Y2K)
DAYDATE Callable Time of day and date subroutine
DECOMP My whole load module dis-assembler
DELMEMS Delete list of members from pds
DISASM My super-duper individual CSECT dis-assembler
DSPACE My super-duper dataset information displayer
FREEALL This command processor is used to free all dynamically allocated data sets which have been allocated by a tso user.
GENQ Command to list enqueued dataset names This version is for sp3 and up systems
GETDSNS Get a list of all catalogued datasets for HLI in sysin
HALLDUMP Example of how to use hdump
HDUMP Macro to dump core
IUTDEL Delete members from a pds
JDATE Display todays julian date, etc. in TSO
JOBNUMB This pgm is an example of how to use JES2 control blocks to get your job number
JOBSTAT MVS job status routine
macro used to...
begin generate entry code with base regs r13,&b,&c
debug generate code to print a csect trace
ibmmac generate dcb and jfcb dsects
msgrtn generate code to print messages
olcmsg generate code to print a msg
perform generate code to branch to a csect
requate generate register equates, and a savearea dsect
saveset generate ims style save areas
secexit generate csect exit code
section generate csect entry code
MOD This macro simulates the pli mod function
SETDATE Put date into a control record in a dataset, or pass it back in the parm.
SETDATEC Sample pli program calling setdate
SMFEXIT This little program is used to produce a readable report based on type 14, 15, 17 and 18 smf records
VSPLIT Select records from a vb file
VTAMOPER Vtamoper is designed to run under tso. It will request a vtam network id and will send a 'display net,e,id =...' vtam command to vtam and will display the returned messages.
VTOCUPDT Read/update a vtoc sequentially, or by sysin control
YR2000 Determine which load modules access the system DATE (Y2K)
ZELLERS Calculate day of week using T.F. Wong's formula See HTTP://WWW/ASIAONLIN.NET.HK/(TFWONG/MATHS.HTM

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