A poison is a substance which has a harmful effect on a living organism; whether we regard a substance as a
poison depends on its use.
Primitive man | Trial and error - awareness of natural poisons from plants and animals
Used these on his weapons - "Arrow Poisons" (curari; strychnine; poison dart frogs) |
Magic; potions; "drugs" | |
1500 BC | Eber's papyrus: Earliest surviving Pharmacoepia - collection of medical records with references and recipes for poisons. probably the beginning of the study of poisons |
400 BC | HIPPOCRATES (Greek)
"Look to the spine for the cause of disease" - spinal manipulation thorough awareness of poisons and principles of toxicology treatment of poisoning by affecting absorption "...chew bark of the white willow ..." for headaches and fever
185 - 135 BC | Nicander (physician to King Bythnia) - was permitted to experiment with poisons using
convicted criminals - consequently wrote:
Therica - Animal Toxins (reptiles) and Alexipharmica - Antidotes to plant & animal toxins (linseed tea to induce vomiting |
King Mithridates - used a mixture of 50 different antidotes (Mithridatum) for protection; failed when he attempted to commit suicide! Mithridatic = antidote | |
Aristotle | |
250 B.C. | Theophrastus |
82 BC | First known law against poisoning (to protect against careless dispensing) issued in Rome (by Sulla) |
AD 50 | Dioscorides (Greek Physician): classified poisons as plant, animal, or mineral; earliest known attempt to classify plants according to toxic and therapeutic effects; recognized use of emetics to manage poisonings; Wrote Materia Medica - the major treatise on poisons for 15 centuries |
AD 131 - 200 | GALEN:
Sensory & motor functions associated with spinal c. segments Experimental physiology Shotgun Therapy Galenicals
1135 - 1204 | Maimmonides: wrote Poisons and Their Antidotes |
Few advances in Medicine and Toxicology | |
1493 - 1541 | PARACELSUS:
Rational use of "drugs" Dose-response relationship
1700 | Ramazzini: "Diseases of Workers"; Father of Occupational Medicine
Toffana (Italian) - made cosmetics with arsenic (Aqua Toffana) - to eliminate rivals, husbands and enemies |
1775 | Sir Percival Pott: identified scrotal cancer in chimney sweeps as an occupational hazard |
1787 - 1853 | Orfilla (Spanish physician): Father of Modern Toxicology; developed means to detect poisonous substances to present in court (Forensic Toxicology) |
1813 - 1878 | Claude Bernard - identified the site of action of curare ("...either the nerve ending or the neuromuscular junction...") |
1895 | First X-ray machine
"Chiropractic" |
1897 | Acetylsalicylic acid extracted |