My pages
My Life Testimony
A Love Story Author unknown
Plan for Salvation
Prayer Request
The Room Author unknown
Midi Files
Which came first: chicken or egg?

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There's just so much that I want to try to share. My plea is that God will use my page to touch the hearts of everyone that stops by. If someone is encouraged to just see the gospel being shared on the web, I would like to know. If someone needs a banner made, I'm glad that I may have the chance to help. If someone reads the presentation of the gospel and turns to Jesus as their Lord, then that would be wonderful. All the glory will be to God, without him I am nothing and may this webpage be a vessel for His work.
What's in a Testimony
A testimony is the only thing that someone has that can not be proven false. It is your own life, not anyone elses, or the words of another person. Testimonies about your life, a Christian's life, is just like a brief summary of what their life was before the met Christ, how they came to know Christ, and how their life has been ever since. My testimony is added onto every day as Christ continues to work in my life and through me, for I am a vessel for him. Actions, words and thoughts are all part of one's testimony. What you do, say, and even think can be seen by other people, therefore, you are a living testimonyof Jesus Christ. People look to see Christ in you, and to see how you are so much different since you have Christ inside you then they are without Jesus Christ. You can also see a Plan for Salvation to see how one can attain a gift of eternal life and to know that you will go to Heaven when you die.
Testimonies of Christ
may soon write testimonies to my page
Pilgrim's Path: Dennis Rideout's testimony
Do you need a banner made for your page?
I am offering my services of making banners for people that need them, just email me with the text you want on them and an idea of how you would like it. Keep in mind that I am offering this service to just about anyone who wants it, for free. The time that it will take to make it will depend on the time that I have and how many other request are made for banners. My services will be available to Christian and secular sites that meet my qualifications. I will look at the site that it will be used on and if I fine a reason not to make a banner, I will make it known. Thank you for being patient. Click here to see some banners I have made.
Some links to other pages of interest