Mike Kaluta's interpretation of Futura
on the cover of his illustrated edition of "Metropolis"
His glorious re-creation and embellishment of pulp magazine illustrations in his highly acclaimed "The Shadow" published by DC Comics remains a high mark in 20th Century pop art.
His less streamlined and more mechanized approach to the robot and his nods to pulp fiction motifs take the Art Deco world of "Metropolis" and show it at a new angle which must in turn have an influence on the design choices made for the Pentacle Theatre production of the musical.
Step in to the beautiful illustration from "Metropolis" below to see an online portfolio which includes every piece Kaluta did for the trade paperback edition of Thea Von Harbou's novel. Text from the book is under each illustration, so a good feel for the unusual surreal landscape of the novel can also be grasped.
Exploring the site further and you'll discover many examples of Kaluta's diverse artwork.
is | John Freeman |
Freder | is | Steven |
Rotwang | is | Warner |
Slim | is | Jeremiah |
Georgi | is | George |
The "False Maria" (Futura transformed in to Maria's likeness) as seen by Kaluta
click to see all of his artwork for "Metropolis"
click the Pulsar for the list of links to all pages or use the box below