(Predicted by Nostradamus)


Page visited by open minded researchers.

       Q.p105-d   Pire Cent Fois           August 7th, 1998
 1565 CV   -Pire cent fois c' est an que l' an passe,
 Presage   Meme au plus Grands du regne et de l' Eglise:
 pour la   Maux infinis,mort,exil,ruine,casse.
  dicte    A mort Grande estre,peste,playe et bille.
            This year is one hundred times worst than past year,
   P.105   Same to the Biggest of kingdom and of the Church:
   (ENG)   Infinite evils,death,exile,ruin,breakage.
           To death the Big will be put,plague,beach and BILLe .*
                               (* marble ball of children's play )
   P.105    Peor cien veces este año que el año pasado, 
   (CAS)   (Lo) Mismo a los mas Grandes del reino y de la Iglesia:
           Males infinitos,muerte,exilio,ruina,ruptura. 
           A muerte el Grande estara,peste,playa y BILLe .*
                               (* bolita de marmol del juego infantil)
            Peggiore cento volte quest' anno dell' anno scorso, 
   P.105   (Lo) Stesso ai pi— Grandi del regno e della Chiesa:
   (ITA)   Mali infiniti,morte,esilio,rovina,rotture. 
           Al morte il Grande sara,peste,spiaggia e BILLe .*
                              (* biglia di marmo del gioco da bambini)
----( Prediction for year 1565 (CV = P.105), Kab-1555, translation )-----      
                                             ENGLISH TRANSLATION:
 1)  P C F C U A S E U D R E E            ( A FAT AVid , of the USA will
  PaCchia FiCoNA U@SA SED@URrE RE         ( SEDUCT KING. PaCiFiCal USA...
     PaCiFiCa US@A  UDiRE  gueRrI@ErE     ( will HEAR WarRIor scream ...)

 2)   I E O A E A N S M P G S R E E G     ( aNEw The EchO of Afganistan
  I EcO dE @AfgANiS GaSaRE iSRaElE E      ( iSRaEL will be GaSEd ...
  rIEccO A E  ANSiMa P G  @GRE@GgE G@ERMI ( and attacked with GERMS !)     
 3)  R N I E N N E E P L R E G T L L      ( (E@rINNE (mitol.)= furies 
   GeRaMI EriNNE EsPLodeRE REGioni EGiTto ( will ExPLodE in EGipT REGions   
  GaRaNtIrE ENEmis   PuLiRE  "GaTiLLo"    ( they will CLEan TriGgER ...)
 4)    E T S E S L P L U A D G N I        ( (ET(lat.))= AND with THE... 
       ET  SES  LaPis LUnA DiseGNI        ( DraWINgs of the MOoN (Devil)
inTeLLigEnce SESsuaLe P LeVAno DiGNIta    ( inTeLLigEnce and SEXuaL take 
                                          ( AWAY President's DiGNIty )
 5)   S T Q P A M A U S N U N E D S     
   hISTOry PAr cAMA USa NUME   D S     ( BED in turn of hISTOry (PAnaMA ?)
    S aTtaCca PAnaMA USa U@N lUNEDi S     ( USA: DESTINY of prEsiDentS
       -                                  ( is always ConFliCTUAl ...
 6)     C F C T U A S E U S D E E E E     ( ConFlicTUAL ClinToN,  
  ClinToU SE@Sso US@A preSiDEntE inDEcEnt ( USA inDEcEnt preSiDEnT,
 ConFliCTUAl ASsEdio U.S.a  EmpEachmEnt   ( DEmEnt EmpEachmEnt, for... 
   C F CacTUs A S E U SeDErE EtagEttE     ( the BoTTOm of StagIst  ! )
                                          ( E O A E ? SeeMS His QUEEN !)
 7)  E O A E A S S M G S R E G : 
     E O A E ASSoMiGli Sua REGI@NA :      ( TOGeTher they will Now
 M-> E O A E ASSieMe GaSaRE iSRaEle Gi…:  ( ... GAS iSRaEl ???  )
  8)   N I A N N S E E P G R E E T L L M        ( G@ErmaNY will PAY
 REGI@NA pIANSE  SEdE PeGgioraRE RET@E aLLarMe  ( for an aLLarM NET...
 G@ErmaNIA sANta SEdE PaGaRE RET@E L L M        ( (for gas attacks ?)
  9) T S E N L E L R A D G T I A          ( All (SELeNE)=people of Moon
  Tutta SELe@NE dELiRA RADiattiva GraTIA  ( is delirantely askig for a
     T SEgNaLE  L tRAGe@Dia "TIA"         ( RADiactive coup of GrACE ! ) 
 10)   S Q P M A U A N U N D S U      ( In (SQuiPeira)= Albania there is 
 SQuiPeira M  AVANgUardia iNDU@Stria  ( the VANgUard of this INDUStry !)  
   Q @SPerMA uMANo iNONDa  SUFiCenTe  ( ENOUgh liQUid to Spray in the...
                ^    ^
 11) F C T Q U A M E U S N D E D E E E X       ( jErusalEm EDEn ...
   UFfiCio liQUido  SpaNDEre EDEn jErusalEmmE  ( they will SeeD )
     F C T QU' AME' USa SceNDE  presiDEntE     
C-> SUFiCenTe liQUAME  USa "DEDo" En sEX   
 12)  O U E A S E M D S R E G :             ( They will launch gAS over The
     OVEst ASEMblea D gaSaRE REGgIA :       ( KINGdom ASsEMbly (Isareale Knesset)) )
C-> trOUvE' A SEMe  DoSaRE REGgIseno:     C:( Measured SpErM found in BRA )
 13)   I A E N S M E P G S E E L L M I       ( IsrAEl IN EXaM ?, then... 
   IsrAEle EN @ESaME Poi GaSarE pELLe gerMI  ( will be GaSED, sKIN geRMS )

C->  pIAN@sE: SeME PaGaSsE SEmE SELL ME !    ( cRIED: I will pay for SpErM 
       -                                     ( (dress)... SELL it to ME !!! )
 14) S E N L E E L R D G T L I A N
     SEgNaLE  ELiDe@Re aGosTo iTaLIANo   ( SIgNaLS are AVoiDED in iTaLIAN
                                         ( auGuST, they CUT...government? )
C->  SEgNi peLlE EL RuDe Gia Ta@GLIANo   (C: ... they cut SCaRs in sKIN )  
 15)  S L P A U A D U N S U F       ( On this Sun-YEar, a PAUsE, they don't
 ANno SoLare PAUsA eVADONo S U F    ( manage to eSCAPE: (L. GELLI retaken) ) 
     SaLe PAUrA eVADONo S U F            (C: Will WeiGHT Anchor from PANAma,
   SaLPAre PANAma rADUNo iNSUFfiCenTe    ( Not enought (soldiers?) meEETING ) 
 16)   C T Q A M A U S N U E D E E X I     ( The acCounT for the BED (sins?)
   ConTO "CAMA"  U S  NUDE  EquinoXIo      ( USA (SeNate) will aSK  during...  
ClinTon CAlMA USa chiEDE prEsiDEntE EXIt   ((winter?) EquInoX (September 22)) 
       -                                   ( and ask prEsiDEnt to EXIt !!! )

------(P.p105-r, Kab-5551-> Pire Cent Fois, August 7th, 1998 )-----------
                           NOTE: "X" can be changed for every other letter.

 17) E X I N O X U I A A T D T E S L E L L    ( EQuINOX ... SoVieT WaiTS,
     E X I N O X U I A ATenDe staTES SLEga    ( staTES UNtiEs ... pOISONS )
     EQuINOXio SoVIeticA A T D T E SLEaLe     ( MAD MIlitaRY GEneRal...   )
      ^        ^ ^         DesasTRe  ELLeNI   ( DisastER for GReeKS ??? )

 18) : N I R I I N S G E R S T A T L E        ( Greek RIthEs (Sparta's ?)
 ELLeNIci RItI INSeGue    STAlin sTeLlEtte    ( are followed by this MAD
   MIlitaRI INSano GEneRale STATaLE diLEMmI   ( GEneRal, a STAlin with an
     : MIRINo   LuS@tiNGER T  [@SeATLE]       ( uniform plenty of STArs )
 19)  M I I S T L N E S M G R E T E Y E       ( MIssilISTics of MoON (Arabs)
 MIssilISTa LuNE ESMeu(fr.) "@SeGRETE EYE"    ( are M(fr.) ovEd-Shaken by ...    
     hISTorici STaLiN ESaMe tiGRE             ( a seCRET EYE (a SPY !) )

 20)   A N S E E O R A E E E B                ( ANSiEs anf the (Holy) SEE
    ANSiE SEdE ORA prEsidEntE EmpEschEment    ( and NOW prEsidEnt BUFfoN )  
                           BUFfone                                   ^
 21)   U F M E R C R A N S P P I              ( OFfices of the MARKets will
    UFfici MERiCati avRANno ANSie PoPolarI    ( have ANxiouS reactions . )
 BUSiNEss MERCA@nti osCuRANtiSte PaPISmo      ( BUSiNEss in the osCuRANtiSt 
   ^ ^   MERCuRiAli   People's Party Italian  ( ... Papal attorney .)

 22) X I M O X U C A A T N D T E P L E L      ( SOON: wAiT for a MoVED 
     proXIMO:  ATteNDenTE aNDanTE PLEniLuNiO  ( ... FuLL-MoON ?  )
     proXIMO YUCAT@AN  ATteNDeTE "TEmPLE" L   ( Near Mexico - YUCATAN wait
             ^                                ( ... will be found a TEmPLE ?)
    XIMOX ( Ximox = Amoxicilline : Antibiotic )
 23)  N O R I I A S D E R S L A T L           ( NORthern ISlAnd of 
   NORdIcA I@sOLa SiDERurg. SLAvi T@AgLIano   ( Iron or Metals extraction
    NORvegIA ASsiDERare iSoLA ATtoLli LATInI  ( the SLAves will CUT ? )
      NORIA     S D E R SaLATo L              ( the LATin people inside 
     ( Noria (ital.)=a wheel moved by water)  ( will get FReeZEd inside ?)
 24)  I I R T L N S S M G E E T A Y E         ( the vIRIl vIRTue is ...
    I vIRTu LaNCe MessaGE prEsidEnTe ETAGEtte ( LaNCe of  SeXoHolic ... 
   vIR@Il T L N SeSsuoMane seGrEtE TAglIarE   ( prEsidEnT ETAGEtte, cUT ! )
       -                               ^                     ^
 25)     N S T E S E O R E E Y E B        ( IN United StaTES there is ...
    iN StaTES E ORa segREtE "EYE" BuFERa  ( NOW, a secRET EYE SToRM ! )  
     iN STESE SEssO ORalE "REY" dE Bill   ( A tHINK-tank, now extends...
 T-> pENSaTorE eSTESE tEOREma dE E Y E B  ( and writes, affirming, KING...
       -                                ( Bill's theories about ORAL SEx )
 26)   F E R E R A E S P E I              ( now we are in a: ... 
       FERocE  ERA  ESPEdIentI         ((1) FERocIous ERA of EXPEdIentS  )
      FERro ERA  ESPErImentI nuclEarI  ((2) IRON ERA of Nuk. EXPErImentS )

 26X->  riFERirE oRA ESPErImentI SPEcIalI    ( Now I will TELL of SPEcIal
                      SPEcchI                ( EXPErImentS: ... MIRrorS ? 
 27)           I M E X U C A T N S T E P E L ( EXPEdItIon to MEXico YUCATaN
 X->SPEdIzIone In MEXico yUCATaN STa TEmPL@E    (... there IS a TEmPL@E ,
        I M E X U C A T N  STEPpE EsPLor@EraNnO (  ...  made  of  ...
   "INEXorable" Un CAToNe lATiNiSTa E sPELloNO  ( ???  iNOX  stEEL  ??? )

 28)       N O X I I A A D T R S L E T L      ( DocToR will get sTaRTLed !  
 X-> iNOXIdA@bIle AccIAio DocToR TRaSaLirE    ( will say... I'm  DRunK ? )
                                   ETiLIco ?  ( OveRFlying the inLET ... )
 vELeNO tOXIcI mIAsmi "AD" TRaSvoLarE LETaLe  ( ... poISON, tOXICs fUMes, 
       "NOXIous" ItAliA  De TRoiS "inLET"     ( will make LETaL FLIght   ) 
 29)  I R I L N S M G E R E T A T E          ( I.R.I.= PRODI's former Corp.
   "IRI" Le aNSie ManGiaR@E EREdiTAre EsTATE ( will be eaten by aNXiety,  
     vIRILe  N S M lustiGER "ETA" ATtESa  
 30)      S T L E S M O R E E Y B        ( STars of LESbianIsM are lOVE...
 C->   STeLlE LESbisMO aMORE REY B@Ill   ( of KING BIll . This SPooN ...
 C->  meSToLo  Suo aMORE MORE EYe Bull   ( is shaken, by ... STaRS !!! )

 pESTiLEnce,WRY face, DIE, isRaEl   ( NERVINE GAS: can cause convulsions ? )

  31)  R E O R A E P E B I          ( KING: his ORAl thEORy is HOPE FOr BIll )
 C->  RE TeORiA oraLE e "sPEs" BIll          
       RE  ORe   EFEBI   BIMEstRale      ( EFEBi = girlish young kids ) 
       -                                    ^
 32) M E R U C R T N S P E P I L         ( TWO MONTHS,... this RUSsian  
 BIMEstRe RUSso CReTiNo SPEnde EPILogo   ( STuPid, CRediT will SPEnd, ...  
    aMERicaNi CRiTicaNo SPEse di BILL    ( is his EPILogue = Conclusion .)

       Q.P008-d   Loin pres d'Vrne-FLORA .       January 24, 1998
 P.VIII -Loin pres de l' Vrne le malin tourne arriere,
        Qu' au grand Mars feu donra empeschement:
        Vers l' Aquilon au midy la grand fiere,
        FLORA tiendra la porte en pensement.

 P.008 -Far,(but) short time after the Vrne (ballot-box) the evil
 (ENG)                                   ...returns from the rear side,
        That to the great Mars (March?) fire will give torture:
        Towards the Aquilon ( Kite-Big Eagle ?) noon (south) big beast,
        FLORA ? will have (near) the door in thoughts.

 P.008 -Lejos,(pero) cerca de la Urna (electoral) el maligno
 (CAS)                                 ... vuelve por la parte trasera,
       Que al (durante) gran Marte (Marzo ?) fuego donara la tortura:
       Hacia la Gran Aguila (aguilon ?) del mediodia (Sur) gran bestia,
       FLORA tendra (en o a la) puerta en pensamientos-problemas.

 P.008 -Lontano,(ma) poco dopo l'Urna (elettorale) il maligno->
 (ITA)                             ... ritorna dalla parte posteriore,
       Che al grande Marte (Marzo ?) fuoco donera la tortura:
       Verso l' aquilone a mezzoggiorno (Sud) la grande bestia,
       FLORA avra' (la o alla) porta in problemi-pensieri.

--------------------( COMMENT TO DIRECT READING )----------------------
 2ø: MARS = here MARS indicates the Planet ? ... or month MARCH ? 
line        a date for EMPESCHEMENT = IMPEACHMENT ? 
 3ø: AQUILON = the BIG EAGLE = or the KITE ?
     MIDY = NOON = in France is a symbol for SOUTH: a way to indicate 
  Southern Provinces, maybe here is about the "pest" from SOUTHERN U.S.A. ?

 4ø: FLORA: could be referred to FLORIDA: in relation to the POPE's J.P.II 
     words against the USA-CUBA embargo, during first Pontifical Travel in 
     40 years ! ...or to Italian (in Tuscany) river FLORA ?
          or...    maybe is referred to Mrs. Jennifer FLOWERS  ???

-------( Presage P.008: Kab-1555--> development, decription )-------------        
                                                  ENGLISH TRANSLATION:

 1)  L P D V L L O U A R R M F E N M H          ( LaPiDation, DUeL, of the
LaPiDazione DVeLLO gUARRa ARME@ MaN@ Huo@MO     ( BIRD, this dIRTY WOMaN@ 
    L P D VcCeLLO WAR aRMe in FEMMe's MoutH     ( makes against a MaN ...  )
           (*dick) ^  (weapon)  ^               ( ORE in latin means: MOUTH... 
       -                                ( Many HOURS the PeNiS she SWalloWED...
 2)  O R E V R E I U R R E A A A E U R P E      ( KING-(size)-AAA is the
 ORE VeRghE INgoiaRE RE-(AAA) Etat Unis seRPEnt ( seRPEnt of United States  
       RE IngiURiaRE gIURaRE aIUtaRE EURoPE     ( KING !!! )
 3)  I E R N N R N R A U N R U A E M      ( Girls RuN afteR this PEnIs like
PEnIs ERiNNe RiNcorRAn UNa "RUA" scEMI    ( "ERiNNe"= furies in a MaD WAY !)
   InvERNe NaRra NeRA  U.N. jeRUsAlEM     ( In wIntER, furies will TEll 
3bis) I ERiNNe NeRe liebeNsRAUN jeRUsAlEM ( a BlACk story in jeRUsAlEM ! )   
 4) N S L N E M N E I Q U D S D S E     (iN NaTionaL (Legislat. Assembly ?)
 NaZionaLe NEMesi NEmICo U D SuiciDarSE (in [ aL-QUDS (arab.)]= JERUSALEM )  
    N S L N EMmeNE eL-QUDS* aSseDiarSE  (... an ENEmY will commit SuiCiDE )
                     ^                  ( ???... SEATtle IS ... gATEs ??? )
 5)  E A T E E U G D O E C N       
    SEdATE En sEGUnDOs(sp.)           ( In sECONDs (at the gATE), SEDATivEs ?
     En gATE    @      @DECimaNo      ( ... make a SLAUGHter, DECimatioN !!! )
       -                              [ Decimation means: nine killed every ten ]
 6)  P D L L O A R G R M F O N M H T  ( For DuEL they will ASSault the...
    Per DueLLO A R GeRMi FON  MouT@H  ( ManSiON with GeRMs (in HAIR-DRYER )
      -       AG@RediRe  MaiSON(fr.)  ( maybe in ARGentina ?) )

 7) R E V L E I U A R E R A A E N R P E :    ( To REVeaL this, SENd lettER
   RiV@ELarE InViaRE lettERA ENoRme PERicolo ( ... is an ENoRmous DANger !)
 REVerendo ViLE oViLE    castRERA
 RVLon ViLE INgoiARE ERA A ENoRme seRPE :       
                                            ( NuclEaR ERA in HoLY LaND
 8)  E R E N R R R A A N R U R A E M V      ( will RUin  MUSLiMs ... )
  ERE NuclEaRe teRRA sANta RoVineRA
  E R E N peRiRAnno iRAN R cURArE MVSsoLiNi 
 PERE  ENoRmi  aRRapAN ... RURAlE EMVlo MUScoLo 

 9)   S L N M N R I Q U N D S A S E E        ( THEn,... MUSLiMs MaNdaRIn
 MVSsuLMa@Ni MaNdaRIno QUiNDi aSsASinarE     ( of IRaQUis will be kILLEd,  
 MUSsoLiNi    IR@aQ             SEdE         ( in his (Holy ?) SEE ! )
10)  E M A T E I E U D D E C N R             ( @ JUDEs: trEMBLE (of fear)...   
    EMATologI@E I E U D D E CaNcRo           ( EMATologY (blood)...
    trEMATE    I E jUDiE DECaNo R            ( ... CaNceR , Leukemya ? )
11)  D A L O E R G M F O R M H T S           ( DiALOg with the (Palestine)
   DiaALOgo   R@EGiMe iNFORMa "HuTs"         ( ReGiMen, iNFORMs of it, to...  
     DAndoLO vERGiNe FORnica MouT@H ShE      ( "HuTS" ( Hassidic Hebrews ?))
     deDALO   E REGiMe FORMa(Nisce)  HiTS
                  @           ^
12)  E V L L I U A R E R M A E N M P E :     ( And then, tHEY will SEnD 
   E qUeLLI InViARE gERMi aRMA EN traMPE:    ( gERMs weaPON IN a trAMP...
     EViL LI InViARE spERMA EN taMPonE :     ( or in a (medical) taMPOn ! )
13)  R E I N R R E A A A R U R P E M V L        ( KING will be DISownED by
  RE @RINnegaRE AmericAnA "RUpe taRPEa EMVLa"   ( AmericA: "throws her bad 
    PERE  IMpoRRE EsAminAR  tURPE  MVLiebre     ( son down the hill" * !!! )
       -                                       ( MooN TellS: eNoRmouS ...  
14)  L N N N R Q U N R S A E S E E             ( UNiveRSAl * Funeral RitES ) 
     LuNa NaRrare eNoRme UNiveRSAlE ESEquiE    [* ussually: Catholic Church ]
   LiNgua N N R QUNnus RiSAtE ESsErE SEdE
                                         ( In a HiLL, a poLLUteD MIND (speaks)   
15) E M T E I Q U D S D S C N R          ( to an aUDience of Fanatics: saying
  MEnTE InQUina UDitorio DiSCerNeRe      ( Cut Some One's ThRoATh is No CRiME!)
      MonTE  giUDiZio SCaNnaRe ReATO     [in aL QUDS (arab.)= HILL= JERUSALEM ]
16)  A T O E U G F O E C H T S A         ( AcTOr is (like) An OWL ,...
   ATtOrE Un GUFO FOE CHriST chieSA      (... a FOE for CHrisT chuRCH .  )
   ATOmichE  aUGuStO    @   TZAr 
     -           ^           ^
     Q.P008-r   Loin pres d'Vrne-FLORA.  January 24, 1998
17)  T S A Q N M L A N E L O I A P O E N N T     ( CZAR from the northern
  TZAr AQuiloNe MaLANno   ELOgIA POEMe PON@ENTe  ( winds, has a disease ) 
   ^ iN@QuiNante MiLANEse ANELlO  @PENE cliNTOn  ( cliNTOn PENIS is in...      
       -         MaLANno       PONE          ^   ( a RING, ... POETrY )

  18) : Q U I A D R O R E O R N S T          ( That UGLY Woman LOVes ... to
    : raQUIA ADoRare ORE RE ORNito oNeSTo    ( have the "BIRD"... inside her
   inQUInA lADRO A@RDORE  AnDROsteRonE       ( BURNING ORE (lat.)= MOUTH !!!)
  19)  V L U I A D G E R A N L R T E         ( In the oVaL OFFice of HIM,  
 STVdio oVaLe LUI AD pianGERA ANaLe aRTE     ( She will cRY because HE... 
    Vendetta LUcIDA GiurERA                  (  insistes with ANaL ART !  )
       -         @                           ( LUcID Vengeance She SwEARs !)
  20)  E I L U Y G R F A D A T E P M         ( EHY , you ! ... HE SCreams...
      EhI! LUY GRida FAi DA  TE  PRiMa !     ( MAke BY YOURSELF BEFore ! )
  21)  R L O R A I F T R E E E               ( She askes for lOVe hISTErIcAllY, 
    aMoRe impLORA ISTeRicamEntE Ed           ( And He defLOwERs the boTTOM, AND...
    R defLORA Il poSTERiorE E E  
       -             @                       ( the inSANE "ONaM" LANE
  22)  S A O N M L A N E L T I A P E N N     ( of that Woman, ... the
     inSANO ONaM LANE La besTIA PENetra N    ( beAST manage to PENetrate ! )
         @            ANELiTO                [ ONAM = Biblical Character ]
  23)  Q N I A N D R O I E O E N S T         ( Of this pOIsoNIng ENTRAnces
   iNQuiNantI ANDROnI gIOiE nOn E' ON@ESTa   ( the pLeasure is nOt hONEST ! )
  24)  L U A D D E R E N L R N E          ( MOOn leADER now haVES,  ...  )
  LUnA ADDEsso posseDERE L' aRNEse --->   ( * The NucLeaR (aRNEse)= TOOL  !!! ) 
        lEADER lADDER  NucLeaR@E          [ * remember  PAKISTANI experiments ]
       -                                  ( Of this eNEmIs a neFAST OMEN, the
  25)  I A U Y G F A N D A T P M
    NEmIcI AUGUrIo neFANDo DATi P M        ( C: breAKS the pANTIEs with 
        sF@oNDA mutANDA TraPaNo TrePoneMa  ( his DRiLL,  SiPhiLis ? )
  26)  L U R F I F D R E P E E           ( DIRty DaUghteR is WARNEd, summoned,
      LURida FIlZ diFFiDaRE PErE         ( by his FAthEr: ( maybe told not to 
         tURPe  ^ "FouDRE" PEnE          ( continue in this sexual engagement ?)   
            ^ aFFIDaRE maDRE             ( her moThER: She eNTRusT hoPES )
       -                                 ( LAIdE =[ Easy Ugly Greek Woman ] 
  27) A O M L A I E L T R A P E N N      ( will gave TO LOVed MAN her hoNEY,
     A uOMo LAIdE  Li TRAPanarE PENe N   ( ... then She will be DRILled by
     AM@atO     mIELe  (william?-PENN)   ( ( William-PENN ?) PENis, then
       -                                 ( in PoLlutIng BLACK (hole ?) ...
  28)  Q N M I A N E R O I A O E N S T  
    iNQuiNaNte   NERO ingOIA nON ONESTa  ( swAllOWIng, nOT hONEST JOY ! )
       MIlAN ANno NERO  giOIA  @   @ EN  ( Then ... She will bETRAy him )  
  29)   U I D D R E R E L R N S E        ( In his OFFIce will be hEARD !)
     STUDIare paDRE EREde dEL aRNeSE     ( they will STUDy His faTHER's 
        @     DeRriERE                   ( behavior, being his hERItagE )
       -                                 ( LADY now ... " crIES over the
  30)  I A D Y G E A N L A T E M         ( MILK she poured out ":( italian
       LADY pIanGE     LATtE  TEMe       (idiom-> means= to late to repent))
    In ^  ADIGE GEAN trANsLATEr          ( Now She FEaRs his MILK=SPERM ?)
       -    ^
  31)   L U Y R F F D A E P M E          ( HE says: I diSTRuST (She? Court?) 
       LUY   diFFiDA DArE sPErME MEO     ( to GAvE (them?) MY own sP@ErM ! )
        couRt RaFFreDdarE PreME          ( HE PREss to COOL the couRt ? )
       -                                 ( Oh, UGLy easy DaUghTer will  
  32)  O L A I F L T R P E E N           ( get him in TRaP ,... ENd ! )
 Oh, LAIde F@IgLia inTRaPpolarE, ENd !   ( This WAVE of hisToRy, is ... 
    OLA(spa.) ISoLa TuRPE  PEN@E         ( InFiLTRated by a CLumSY PENIS !)
    hisToRia InFiLTRare ToRPE(spa.)     

--------------------( END of Kab-5551 decryption )------------------------


       Q.q814-d   Credit d'or.             September 20th, 1998
 VIII.14 -Le grand credit d' or et d' argent l' abondance,
         Fera aveugler par libide l' honneur/
         Sera cogneu d' adultere l' offence,
         Qui parviendra a son grand deshonneur.
   814    The great credit of gold and of silver in abundance,
  (ENG)  Will make blind honor by lust,  
         Will be known of the adulterer the offense,
         Which shall come to his great dishonor.

   814    El gran credito de oro y de plata en abundancia,
  (CAS)  Hara ofuscar (cegar) por libido el honor  
         Sera conocida de adulterio la ofensa,
         Che llevara a su gran deshonra.
   814    Il grande credito di oro e d' argento l'abbondanza,
  (ITA)  Fara offuscare (accecare) per libidine l' onore  
         Sara nota d' adulterio l' offesa,
         Che perverra a suo grande disonore.

------ COMMENT TO DIRECT READING: --------------------------------------------
   For this quatrain all the authors gave only very vague interpretations, 
 in which they said that Nostradamus is talking about the general wealth
 and moral relaxation of the World's Globalized Society. 
   The only TABU' for the Globalized Society is LACK of MONEY: you can be 
 a great thief, a Mafioso, like many rulers in Russia, Europe and Latin
 America, but if you have a great lawyer, if you know how to lie, to hind 
 your secret stories, if you maintain things between some limits, you will 
 have no problems with the voters, because nobody is really innocent of all.
   Immagine for example: Giulio ANDREOTTI chief of pseudo-Christian  Party.
 Many "repentants"  said that He had links with Mafia, ordered the killing
 of italian blòackmaler journalist Mino PECORELLI,
 and had eight secretaries, ready to satisfied his desires !

   Continuously, more new TABUS are broken, as an example... 
 in the case of CLINTON - LEWINSKY relation, this borders are are broken: 
 marriage, age differences, chief-subordinate, penetration ways, the time 
 (they make it on Sunday before the Mass !),... and Sacrality of place...
 the OVAL OFFICE, while, as an example, ARAFAT waited in a nearby room !

   Because this reason, author Goro ADACHI (in his Internet site), links 
 this quatrain with the CLINTON - LEWINSKY ... relation ... 
   In my opinion there was nothing of precise in this quatrain that could
 establish a link of q. VIII.14 with this history... 
   But, anyways, there is nothing to tell the opposite, so I will  
 proceed to "open" quatrain 814 with RAMOTTI's Kab-1555 method :

------------( Q. 814, Kab-1555-> development, English translation )---------

   NOTES:  OBL = Iso-wave of Osama Bin-Laden
           BY  = Iso-wave of Boris Yeltsin
           C   = Iso-wave of President Clinton
           G   = Iso-wave of Cardinal Giordano
           *   = Military iso-wave, sinking of Ships in Persian Gulf .

       ITALIAN DECRYPTION:                                     

  1)  L A R D E N D F A L A R I N        OBL:( BURNING END for SALAdin...
OBL-> L' ARDENte END SALADINo*  eRINN@E      ( eRINnE (Gr. mitol.)= Caucasus furies )

BY->LA "tARDE" FINE "FAiLlir" "bAilARIN"  BY:( LATE AftERNoon? WILL arrive
                                             ( END for FAT JUMpING DANCER...
     LARDoso "END" SALtARIN RIMbambito       ([* remember B. YELTSIN dance]:
                   ^          ^              ( FAilLi@R (provence)= to DIE ) 

  2)   E N E D E N T A A F E V E R D E       ( now coMES reBEL irrEDENTist, has
OBL-> viENE irrEDENtisTA, hA FEde VERDE  OBL:( GREEN FAith = color of ISLAM )
      viENE  DENtisTA cAFonE VERo EReDE   

--------( these are some lines about Naples's Cardinal GIORDANO )----------

2G-> RINNEga DENTAtA FEde VEnde RiDEnte     G:( FAT MAN sELLs (money) EXPENsive,  
                             G:( has TOOtHED FAith, of ALtARs he is a RENEgadE ! )
2G-> aDDiTATo BeNEmeREnte cREdERLE HUmano  G:(... was poINTED as BeNEmeREnt,
       -                     G:( many bELiEvED he was so HUman,... but Cardinal
4G-> GIORdano LOCuRA AULIcO ORo         G: ( GIORdano was MAD for COUrTLY GOld ! )
6G->  ARREDA sALA: sin sALA BIN !           ( he FURNISHES a hALL: as by MAGIC ! )
7G-> gaNimEDE NApoli AfFAri AVERI DEitE'    [ganimede (ital.)= favorit young man]  
          FAVoriR@E  IDEE Di DEsTrA       G:( In BuSIness, and GOODS is his GOD,
                                          G:( ... he FAVours RIGhTist IDEAS    
8G-> DireTtA rETATA BeNE (eseguita),      G:( Investigation is WeLL DirecTEd..
 pERDE VERDEtto, HURrah !, HORa fURIa     G:( He LOSES VEREDict, NOW in fURY !)     
9G->  dIsTuRBO CREsce pREsULE  ORA        G:( dIsTuRBAnces of the pRiEST NOW GROW
10G-> ConTO ODio "LONE" AUGurio sPILlaNo    ( aCcOunT of HATred, now he remains
                                            ( aLONE, they don't GREET him MORE !)

  3)   D D T A T B N E R E R L E H U         BY:( He bELIEVES to the FLAG of...
OBL-> DitTATore BaNdiERE cR@EdERLE LEbed HUnno  ( the HUn DicTATor (Lebed?) )
OBL-> Di DicTAT "iBNE"  NERE  pERLE "HUmain"    
                                                OBL: ( iBNE (arabic)= son )
 4) G I O R L O C R A U L I O R        (DAY: is LOCalized in AUstraLIA a kidnapper 
  GIORno LOCalizzA@Re AUstraLIanO ORo       [ Locri (Calabria): kidnappers towns]    
  GIR@O ORLO [LOCRi]* CRAteri ULterIORi     ( Cranle Iour (fra.)= day of fear )  
  5)  R C T O R D G L N E A G P I B L N     ( ReaCTOR, NucLEAr DEViCe ... ??? )
"ReaCTOR" ORDiGno Nu@cLEAre AGI@P BaLeNA    ( JaPanEse diReCTOR, World ciNEmA,
 diReCTOR Di GLoME ciNEAsta GiaPonIco B@ILaNciA (is in BaLaNce (of souls ?)*
       -                                    [* maybe death of Akiro KUROSAWA ? ]
  6)   A R R E D A L A B I N S            ( Now I (M.N.) will TELL of LEDA *
     NARRarE lEDA* LABIriNti S            (* Gr. MIthology lover of SWAN = Lebedz ?)  
 ARREsta RED ALA LAden-BIN oSama ABISsi@No  (...  and of her LABirINtS ??? )
                ABISs@iNE  OBL:(in Ethiopia Osama BIN-LAden arrested-stopped)

       -                                     BY: ( Lebed is INSaNE, HAS NAzi
 7)  N E D E N A A F A V E R I D E E      BY-OBL:( IDEAS , ... of vEnGEanCE !
 INSaNE E'lEbE@D NAziSte AVERe IDEE venDETtA    OBL: ( laDEN is iN EDEN... 
   iN EDEN laDEN A A FAVorirE VERIte' D E            ( (South Iraq?) ...
                                                 OBL:( vEnGEanCE, DElTA (Force)
  8)   D D E T A T A B N E V E R D E H U R           ( ATTAcks in [ TABNE ??? ]
vEnDETta DElTA AT@TAck "TABNE" iBNE VERDE fURIa      ( against GREEN FURY !!! )
    D D  viETATA  B  "NEVER" DE "HURrIcanes"  
                                     HURon (lake ?)
  [ HURon = Usa/Canada lake, near Rochester: Ramotti's Book ITI editions ]

  9)   I T R B O C R E U L E O R A
  TRiBOlazion O.C.R. [EULEr] RAcConTO           [ Euler = famous mathematician ]
       -                      ^                 ( NOW I (M.N.) will TELL
 10) C T O D G L O N E A U G P I L N            ( of a Great cyCLONE...
RACconTO Di cicLONE NuclEAre AU GiaPonIco sPILl ( IN JaPAn, ....
sConTrO Di Gran cicLONE  AUstralia GiaPonIa     ( with a NuclEAr sPILL ??? )
CoiTO Di "GLOME" Non E AUGurio Per cL@INton    ( WORLD broadcasted CoiTUS, is 
             GaLeONE                           ( Not a GooD OMEN FOR Cl@inTON ) 
 11)  R R D E N D G L A B L N S C              ( Is bURNIng, arriving to an END ...
    R aRDENte END enGLAnd B L N coSCE          ( @NEw enGLAnd [* med: Forked Penis]
  R pResiDENte New D enGLAnd BaLaNoSChisico*   ( sPILls of pResiDENt )     
 12)   E D N D A F A L E R I E E O             ( I HEAR Again the EchO of the END of
D-> E@ND DiAFAna FALEna RIsEntO EcO ->         ( Lady Dia@NA: crushed like a MOTH !)
D-> E@ND Dia@NA FA vALERIo E' EcO ! ->         ( ? recalls q. III.44: Talking Dog !)

* E sEcoN@DA  FALEsia guERrIErO EcO ->         ( And sEcoND CLIFFs waRRIOR EchO *

         [* W.W.II: SPIELBERG's D-Day Film: combat in the cliffs: coastal rocks ?)  
 13)  D E A T A A N E V E R D H U R G          [[ A line ALL in English ! : ]]
D->"DEATh lAdy diANE NEVER VERDict cHURch"     ( " DEATh for Diane, sATANE...
                                   ( lOST NEVER a VEReDict of enGlIsh cHURch ?)  
OBL-> DEATh for sATAN of GREENs (VERDi) in     [ HURGada: Egypt: Red Sea beach] 
 14)  I T A R B N C R E R L E H O R A      OBL:( He menaced with ARaB sword
OBL->scimITAR B@RaNdir CREdeRe pERLE cHORANus* ( and believed this was a
      vITA  RuBaNo saNCRE  pERLE  HORA N       ( Choranus pEARL... )
  ITAlia "ARBre" Non CREdeRLE ORA Nessuno   ( Now nobody BELieVES more in PRODI )
       -                                OBL:( TROGLOdyte* will be HIT by...
 15)   T O R G L O C E A U P I O N E        [* maybe Osana BEN-LADEN ]
OBL->  TR@OGLOdita CEntrAre Un arPIONE ---> ( killed by an HARPOON missile ? )
   cANTO  ORgoGLiO                          ( ... a pROuD sINGING  ? )
 16)   R D G E N E G P A B L N N S C U
   NERi   GENEral ENG@inEers DaMaSCUs  SCUdS ? ---> !!! SCUD WARNING !!!

  X->  R DeGENEre  G. PABLo  NeMeSi S C U  CUS-CUs *  (* arab food )
    ReDiGE inGEgNEre Jean PABLe secoNd  ioNeSCU
       Q.q814-r   Credit d'or   .           September 20th, 1998  .
 17)   S C U D R O C I V I A O A N S E    ( cROSSEd SHIELD=(Italian D.C. Party) 
 SoCCUaDRO CUaDRO CIVIltA' trAvOltA ANSiE ( ... in CIVItAs (Rome) NOw ...
     SCUDO@ cROCIato CIVItAs OrA piANSE   ( (Prodi) will cRY, ANXiEty ! )
 18)  E O D U E O F E I E N N D H U       ( M.N.: And I have TWO OfFEndEd, 
      Ed hO DUE  OFfEsI  ENeMis  DURi     ( HARd ENeMies,...
      E O  DUEttO  FErIE  END [HURon]     ( OCR and Me... will NOT talk more )
     E O DUEmila O FI@ErE N N D H U       [ END in Huron = American lake ]  
       -                                  ( RiGiD DoLPHin, with GOLDEN PEN )
 19) R G D L F F P E N A D O R          
 D-> RiGiDo DeLFino* PENA (PENnA) D'ORo   ( a * DolLFuSS scandal of the ...
   HURGa  DoLlFuSs  "PEiNADOR"            ( PEiNADOR (cas.)= BOUDOIR (fr.)=    
  (* XXth. Century began with DOLLFUSS scandal, ENDS with CLINTON scandal )
 20)   A N T L F E Q A N D G D N          ( NOW peN, he will TaKE away from 
D-> ORA peNna ToLSE Qui dANDola al        ( Here, gIViNg to the money EarNiNG !
     ORANTe "LiFE" Q ANDino GuaDagNo        
        ANTiLoPE CANe mANDinGo@ GoDoNo    ( LiFE: maybe American Magazine ?)
 21) E A E E N U R D R S R D E N            BY:( NuclEAr IN URss, will be RaiSEd
    NuclEArE EN D RiSoRsE@ aRDENte      ( Again, bURNING ! )
 rEAmE EN URbe @U.D.R. SaRDEgNa pRe@SiDENte->  ( COSSIGA: ANEW Italian President )
 EsAmE ENUResi DR. SaRa' RiDENte pReSiDENte->  ( Exam of secretions by Dr. a 
               [DReSden ?= german city ]       ( SmiLINg pReSiDENte ) 

 22)  C U A D R N C I V R A O A E S E          ( PAINTing of the pRiNCE, wORK,
 D-> CUADRo pRiNCIpe oVRA RO@mAnA contESsE     ( will hAVE a ROmAn countESS )
                                               ( Country of god RA = Egypt )
OBL-> sCUADRoNe iNCIVile sRAgiOnA rA-pAESE     ( RUDE sCUADRoN in Egypt )
 *-> sCUADRa inviNCIBle V@IRA OrA A rA-pAESE-> ( sCUADRon (from?) inviNCIBle  
 -            ^                                ( will TURN NOW to Egypt ? )

 23)  O D U E O C E I A N N S H U          ( (because) Of this DUEt DUEl,... 
    O DUEttO vOCE gIAN ANNo "SHUt"         ( gIAN's vOiCE will be SHUt up ! )
                                           ( ... exactly what I want to do !)
23*-> hO DUEllO OCEanIcA Nave iN SHoWdown  *( And I have a DUEL for the  
                                    ^       ( OCEanIc Ship, a SHoWdown,
24)  G D U L F E P E A D H O R  
24*-> @GULFE PErsA AD HORror like cape HORN ( PErsiAn GULF IN HORror, )        
                                            ( fear like (Cape) HORN
****************************************************************************                  NOTE: OBL = Osama Ben Laden related text.            

                                       OBL:( NoThing uSefuL is obtained by...
 25)    N L T L F Q A N A G O N            ( peNtAGON in AGONE =( battle area )
 NuLla uTiLe LiQ@uiFicA peNtAGON           ( LiQueFied in NiLoTic= ( Red Sea ?))
    NiLoTico L F Q A peNtAGONo COMETE ??-> (double sostitution: doubtfully)  
       -                       ^ ^
 26)  E T E E Q U R D S R D N N        OBL:( in acQUaRius ERA DiSoRDers and
     ETE' dE acQUaRio DiSoRDiNi DaNNo      ( DaMages they will give to us )
 GONnE miETErE EQUestRe pRe@SiDeNte cliNtoN ?  ( SKIrts (girls) are collEcTEd 
                                               ( ... by pReSiDeNt cliNtoN !)
 27)  U A E R N U I V R S O A E N E
 iNVAdERe invERNo NUIct VeRSO RuSsO AmbiENtE  ( iNVAsiON in wiNTER's NIGht...
                                    ( ToWARDS RuSsIan pAciFIcal EnvironMENT )
 28)  D R E O C I I A O N N S E U
 G-> aN@DREOtti "CIvItAs" ONore SEdUrre     ( Civitas (lat.)= City, Civilization )
  kENnEDy aeREO  CIA  sA@IgON - SEUl      (Saigon & Seul: cities in Vietnam & Korea)
 viENE DiE@tRO CIA  dONNa uOMo  SEgUe DUE 
      -                   (N+N)
 29)   D U E F E P E N D H U R              ( Over TWO, FAith is dePENDing,
 G-> sU DUE FEde PENDere , URLi, JURisti    ( SCREams, LAWyers !
 G-> DUEllo FEde tiPo bEN D'HUR ->          ( DUEl for FAith like BEN HUR ) 
  DUE FEbbraio ?, PENnone PENDe,... HURra'! ( on FEbruary TWO, somebody
  DUEtto FarE indEPENDence HURrIcane HURrY  ( is HANGED * ... HURrah !!!
                                          (* maybe Chernomyrdin or Saddam ?)
 30)  L L F P A N A G O R                 ( aLFA ??? SCReam for PeNtAGOn GlORy
   URLo aLFA PeNtAGOno GlORia             ( in PANAma there will be GlORy,...
 URLi  sPANdono AGOnia CORTiLE ORTE@      ( "FAT MAN" will be uSEfuL for them?) 
 LuS. SPAgNA PANAma "GORdo" uTiLE         (Pope?: AGOny in the COuRT-YArd in ORTE )

 31)      T L E Q A R D G R D N         G:( uSEFuL FAT-MAN CARDinal GioRDaNo:
G-> GORdo uTiLE CARDinale GioRDA@No --->  [ Maybe voices about the USURER from
 AGOnia mORTe LE CAR. tARDi sGRiDaNo      [ Naples's: Cardinal GIORDANO are 
   tuRTLE CARlo ReDiGe RiDeNte            ( well known by Vatican, voices 
        uTiLE LEOnARDo  GRaDeNdo          ( silenced by his ... MONEY ! )
 32)    A E N U R V R S R A E N           ( NEw RURal era (for The Church )
 G-> AvE NUova RURale (Ri)uSciRA bENe...  ( will SuCCED... CUTting HEADS !)
 AllErta NUcleaRe V.R.S.s. RiSorgeRA bENe 
                                          ( Maybe Osama bin-LadEN is hidden in
 AgENORe [URVk] RiuSciRA bin-lAdEN ?      [ URUK = ancient Mesopotamic City] ?)
 "ENd AgE " IN jeR@VSalem URbiS =city of iSRAEl ( The for Age of
                                                Ending JeRVSalem's   
                                               ( has already begun ??? )