Introducing Lori Wray (1989)

    This Ed Ackerson-produced, four song EP, put out in 1989 when Lori was doing shows backed by the 27 Various, is a real treasure if you can find it. Side one features backing by the 27 Various as well as the first song on side two. The final song, "Kiss me Goodnight" is backed by the Jayhawks.

Characterized throughout by deep haunting vocals and instrumentation, the EP gives a good impression of Lori's music at the time and tantilizes with the prospect of what a full album's worth of songs might have been (several other recordings made at this time do appear on Lori's 2000 release "Hisstory").

    My personal favorite, "Stars & Hopelessness" perfectly captures the dark mood of remembrance and regret for confused, impulsive love. Sparse imagery of night-driving down country roads with the lights off, is colored by low consoling vocals and slide guitar evocative of far-off freight trains.


     "...Yes you are insane/ You will remember my name/ Seventeen will always be/ This night with me..."     

    Very highly recommended.

Stars & Hopelessness

The Mandrakes

Safely Crass


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above photo by Dan Cahill copyright 1989, 2005