Issue #14


Hello. My name is Nan Cohen. I want to welcome you to the LIGHT TIMES newsletters. LIGHT TIMES is written as a tool of support for The LIGHT Community and Planet EARTH ... this wonderful planet that all of us living here share. LIGHT TIMES is written as a practical tool for the everyday person living in today's world.

LIGHT TIMES is a participatory newsletter for LIGHT-oriented people of all ages and stages in life. A special welcome goes out to everyone new to the idea of LIGHT and/or the LIGHT TIMES newsletters. A special greeting goes in and out to all the LIGHTworkers. It is time for we LIGHTWORKERS to UNITE. Mother EARTH needs for us to unite!!!


This Issue #14 is a continuation of Issue #13 Tuning Inward. It explores Tuning Inward with AWARENESS.

We live in a world that encourages us to direct our attention outside ourselves. LIGHT TIMES supports us all in remembering the importance of ...

Tuning Inward with AWARENESS.

Issue #13 explores Tuning Inward ... to reacquaint ourselves with ourselves. It touches on what are we thinking, what are we feeling, what are we saying, what are we noticing in any given moment.


Life is all about energy. Energy has within it subtleties. Energy subtleties refer to the qualities that are inherent within energy; there are many. These qualities usually require a tuning into awareness -- a tuning inward -- to sense their presence.

There are subtleties that can be seen ( though maybe not with the physical eyes ), there are subtleties that can be heard ( though maybe not with the physical ears ), and there are subtleties that can be felt ( though maybe not with the physical body's ways of feeling or touching ).

Issue #13 helps guide us in the direction of tuning into these subtleties of energy. Tuning into these subtleties is a key.

How do we tune into these subtleties?

The answer is begin where we are and practice alot. Lots of practice.

A starting place for practicing could be asking ourselves the following questions: What do we see? What do we hear? What do we feel? What do we sense? What do we notice? After exploring these questions, we may also try: What are we not seeing? What are we not hearing? What are we not feeling? What are we not sensing? What are we not noticing?


Previous issues of LIGHT TIMES touch on various of these energy subtleties including energy knots, cords, splits, karmic overlays, auras, chakras, telepathy, the use of words, the overall heightening of the senses, transmutation, and the perception of vibrational frequencies. Issue #11 explores the subject of vibrational frequency. Issue #13 brings the subject into clearer focus. This Issue #14 takes the perception of vibrational frequencies a step further.

We hear about telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience. Everyone has these abilities expressed within ourselves to some degree; some people more than others -- depending on the amount of and type of support we've received in our lives. Appropriate support encourages these abilities to develop. The best way to support them is for us to support these abilities in ourselves. We can do this by tuning inward and noticing what we see and don't see, what we hear and don't hear, and what we feel and/or sense and don't feel and/or sense ... within and around us.

Why is this important?

This is important, because of the need for us to be present to ourselves. Many of us in the world have experienced feeling abandoned. This feeling of abandonment is oftentimes about us not being present to ourselves. This is actually the most common form of abandonment experienced in the world. Being present to ourselves is a way to heal this. In fact, being present to ourselves and living from within this presence is a quantum leap experience that has amazing ramifications!


Supporting our own abilities of telepathy, clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience through practice with tuning inward is also important because of discernment. Discernment refers to a type of internal judgment ability or discrimination. We all have this ability of discernment within us. It is the ability to readily discriminate between danger and safety, between dishonesty and honesty, and between manipulation & control and the freedom to be our true selves. In other words, it is the ability to sense the difference between disrespect and respect. Discernment is of exceptional importance and cannot be overemphasized!


So ... tuning inward and tuning into the subtleties of energy are of prime importance. Tuning inward guides us in the direction of tuning into these energy subtleties. It's all about awareness -- increasing our awareness. Awareness is key.

Why is it all about awareness?

The answer is focussed attention. Focussed attention can move us closer and closer to the depth within our very being.

Awareness reaches deep into those special places we each have within us. We may not have received appropriate support for accessing these places. This is often where the common form of abandonment stems from ( the form related to us not being present to ourselves ). However, we can change this situation by supporting ourselves in accessing these places.

When we begin to access these special places deep within us by tuning inward with awareness, we may notice a subtle shift. The more we do this, the more we notice this particular feeling of abandonment lessening, until after awhile the feeling completely disappears. This is where the healing is.


Next we can add in vibrational frequency. Issue #13 guides us in beginning to incorporate the subject of vibrational frequencies from a practical standpoint. Exploring vibration frequencies is very practical.

We are affected by the vibrational frequencies that exist within and around us. Fine tuning our perception of these frequencies can offer us much information. This information includes thoughts, feelings, impressions, sensations, and emotions. If, for example, we notice ourselves feeling ill, out of balance, unhappy, and/or disconnected, we may be responding to a vibrational frequency situation. Honoring our experience and exploring the source may be important for us to consider.


So ... it's all about tuning inward with awareness to see, hear, feel, sense, and generally notice what is there within and around us. Then we add in adjusting our focus to include the discernment of vibrational frequencies. This will open up a whole world of possibilities to us.


This is because life is very, very rich. Life is so full of possibilities. Looking at life from an energy perspective increases the possibilities and richness exponentially.

Opening ourselves up to looking at life in this way is far reaching. Opening ourselves up to looking at life in this way increases our empowerment. Empowerment is a huge subject.


Feeling empowered is exceptionally key to this process. This is because the more in touch with our frequency or frequencies that we become, the more we care about ourselves energetically. The more we care about ourselves energetically, the more we care about others energetically. This leads to us respecting and honoring our own and each other's energy. Respecting and honoring our own and each other's energy is vitally important! The more we respect and honor our own and each other's energy, the more empowered we feel. The more empowered we feel, the more our life is our own. The more our life is our own.

Feeling empowered has far reaching potential -- far reaching potential. The more empowered we feel, the more we tune into and express joy. The more joy we express, the more we move into total well-being and remember our interconnectedness which exists with ourselves, each other, all species, and with EARTH.

This is our birthright.

This is LIGHT.












©1997-2001 Nan Cohen and The Living Light Center. All rights reserved.