I've been drawing all my life, and so it's a big part of my life that ought to be represented on my website. Doodling pictures on a blank piece of paper is not only a way for me to express myself, but has helped keep me sane in certain situations (like when having to sit through a boring class). Unfortunately, it's easier to express myself on the web with words rather than draw something out and then scan it and upload it to a webpage. Which is why there ain't much here yet. But eventually I hope to have some more samples of my art for your viewing pleasure in this section.
The pic at the top of this page is actually a self-portrait, circa 1994, done with colored pencils. The thing was too big to scan, so I had to scan it about 8 different times and try to cobble it together, which is why it looks so choppy. But you can view a close-up of the left side and right side. I'm thinking that I might turn the left side one into a background for one of my webpages eventually.
I drew the below drawing, of the modern Superboy, a couple years ago and used it originally as the starting page of my website.
2009 UPDATE!: Not much to say here, except that I recently started up my own small-press comic titled NOZ. The first issue was published in September 2007, and I plan to have #2 out around May 1, 2009.