Eventually I'll put up some sort of biographical information about myself on this page.
In the meantime, you can view these old photos of myself, which were emailed to me by my older brother. (I have very few photos of myself, actually.) Click the pics to view them full size.
"Trick or treat!" Halloween, 1981. That's me on the left, dressed as a Rubik's Cube. Two weeks after this photo was taken, I turned 11 years old. I had just started 6th Grade two months earlier.
Me and my grandma (my dad's mom) at my uncle Charles' house, November 1978. I turned 8 years old that month. Hmmmm, what is she reading?
Me & my little sister Kathy, Summer 1978. Kathy had probably just turned 5 years old around the time this picture was taken.
Kathy & me, 1978.