The Girl

I know a girl who's all alone 
Her love is something you can't see 
Without your heart to call her own 
She cries so effortlessly 
A picture of you is stamped in her heart 
YOU are her secret so deep 
With no you in her world, she falls apart 
No matter how much she dreams so sweet 
Each night she looks up into the sky 
And sees the stars paint your face 
With tears, she closes both her eyes 
Looks down, turns around, and walks away 
Because the love she feels for you 
Will never be felt by yours 
Still her flame remains as true 
Though her heart is scarred with sores 
Even if you cannot feel, even if you cannot see 
The love she has for you in her hands 
She knows that YOU are the one with the key 
To unlock the chains to set her free... 
...YOU are the one who WILL understand 
I know a girl who's all alone 
Because her love is something you can't see 
Without YOU to call her own 
The girl who cries is ME. 

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