What are the Safe Zone signs I have started seeing around campus?
Wherever you see a Safe Zone sign, you will find someone who participated in the Safe Zone Workshop, has resources for you, and is willing to speak to you completely confidentially and non-judgementally about issues of sexuality.
What is Safe Zone?
The Safe Zone symbol sends a message to students and colleagues. The message is one of understanding, non-judgement, and knowledge of gay, lesbian and bisexual persons’ needs and concerns. It is symbolic of a willingness and commitment on your part to provide and atmosphere of acceptance and assistance. Basically, it sends the message that you are s safe person to talk to about the issues facing GLB students and colleagues, and you will not judge them by what they tell you.
What do I need to be a Safe Zone?
1. You are aware of gay, lesbian, and bisexual (GLB) students and colleagues and are willing to engage in genuine dialogue and interaction.
2. You are willing to discuss issues impacting GLB peoples’ lives in a non-judgmental manner.
3. You are willing to assist students in accessing support and information resources on campus and in the community.
4. You maintain confidentiality within the confines of your job.
5. You use inclusive language, avoid stereotyping, and do not assume heterosexuality.
6. You are one who will be understanding, supportive and trustworthy if a GLB student or colleague needs help, advice or just someone to whom they can talk.
7. You will display the Safe Zone emblem somewhere visible in or outside of your office.
I want to thank the 24 faculty and staff members who volunteered to be a part of the project.
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