Tiny Q's Fan Art

Title: Duke it Out!

Artist: Tiny Q

Year: September 2005

Media: Ink, Pencil Crayons, and Copic Markers

Comments: So I finally got off my lazy ass and refilled my Copics. Only took me a month, but I did it. Then, having refilled them and having set up my lights, I used them to finish this pic that I have been working on and off since I got my teeth yanked out of my skull. See, it's all deranged like and the product of painkillers. Anyhoo, not quite sure what is going on here. It's not really a scene from any of the books or anything so I guess it's up to you. I guess it could either be slashy or just two boys kicking the crap out of each other. If I know you guys though, I have a feeling it's going to be all slash. =p Anyhoo, used a mag ad as a reference.