Story Page!

This page will consist of children stories written by my daughters and friends. Maybe even by myself.

Enjoy the reading!!!!!!

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Page Two!: Song page!
Kid's Space: Kid's can use each others stories and art work to be creative.
Kid's Story Telling Club: Children are encouraged to write stories.

A Goose and a Pig (By Rachel F.)

Once upon a time, there was a little valley and a small house. Inside there was a goose and a pig who were best friends and there was a woman. One day while the woman was doing dishes, the goose and the pig were reading the dictionary. The woman looked and she took away the dictionary and looked at the page; it said, "Pigs and geese are to be eaten". The pig squealed and the goose honked because they were scared. The woman said," I'm not going to eat you, you are too cute to eat.!" Then the lady sat down at the table and looked at her checker board, with the goose in her lap. She was bored of that so she went in the living room and sat in her rocking chair. The rocking chair was by the fireplace and then she had the pig in her lap. The pig and goose were bored so they went outside to a little park. There was lots of trash; so they cleaned it up."Now it looks better", said the goose. "I know." said the pig. After that they went home and the lady was still in her rocking chair and she was asleep. The goose and pig carried her to her room and then they just sat there and stared at her. They were tired of watching her so the pig and the goose went to the living room and listened to the radio. They were both sitting on the rocking chair. The lady finally woke up and went to the kitchen and cooked herself some dinner. She sat at the table and ate and shared some scraps with the pig and goose. The lady went outside and sat on her front porch swing with the goose and pig. The pig hopped off and went in the mud and the goose hopped off and went in the water. The lady was writing in her journal about the pig and goose. When she finished she went shopping at the store called, "Everything is Here!" She loved shopping there. She looked at the pans and the plates, then she looked at the games. She bought a new checker game and a pan. The saleslady put her stuff in the bag and said it will be $10.00. The lady paid and the saleslady said,"Have a nice day, good-bye." She got in her slug-bug and went home. "Home sweet Home," she said.

The End

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