Our Club is the now around 6 months old (As on 9th May, 1998). So its time for us to compile our activites for this project!
We have divided the project target areas as the four main areas of the ROTARACT movement. Please click on the area of specialisation to go directly there, or scroll through the entire page to see all of them.
International Affairs:
- This area saw our first planned project taking off. This web site is the project that we took up, to announce the creation of our Club to the rest of the world. This will enable everyone to know us, and contact us.
- In April, we invited the Deputy Cconsul of the British Consulate and a representative from the USIS, to give us an insight into the Environment and what their countries are doing about it. There was a movie presentation on how Japan has tackled its envioronment problems.
This Project was done in association with RTC Kalighat, Calcutta
- Also in April, The Club took part in a mock UN Security Council Meeting, and represented the PR of China.
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Club Service:
The Club Services coordinator has to be constantly alert, because he/she ensures that the meetings, a vital process in the regular and smooth operation of the Club takes place. Besides, Club operations have to take care of all activities that the Club organises or takes part in. This in an on-going project on a daily basis.
We meet every other Sunday at 10:30 am in Queen's Mansion, Park Street.
Very often there are goodwill visits from other RTCs, and the meetings invariably end with a fellowship.
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Community Service:
As a group of responsible adults, along with our vatious other activities, we have managed to:
- We, pooled in our Clubs resources, and have managed to distibute food to the needy around the area where we hold our weekly meetings.
It is rightly said that:
"Charity begins at home."
- In a joint effort with our parent Rotary, our Club distributed free Pulse Polio Vaccines this February.
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Professional Development:
Our Professional Development Services is very strong, as almost all project participation builds character.
- In March, Our Club held our first main Project. It was a debate, the topic of which was:
"This house believes that the increasing generation Gap is being caused by the elders"
What made ths debate so interesting was the participation of Rotary members too. The photographs from this occasion can be seen here.
- In April, The Club took part in a mock UN Security Council Meeting, and represented the PR of China. It was held in the official hall of the West Bengal Assembly.
- In April also, the Club took part in a debate and quiz session held by the Inner Wheel Clubs.
- Besides, every project participated in, besides being a particular service project, helps in the growth of the character and personality of a person.
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If you have any ideas on projects, or would like to help us in any way at all, please don't hesitate to contact us at rotar_belved@yahoo.com.
We are very open to the idea of a joint International project.