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In the MeantimeIN THE MEANTIME
by Iyanla Vonzant

What is the meantime? According to author and inspirational speaker Iyanla Vanzant, being in the "meantime" means being in a state of limbo. "When you are not happy where you are and you are not quite sure if you want to leave or how to leave, you are in the meantime," she explains. Rather than wallow in confusion, Vanzant encourages you to use the meantime as an opportunity to prepare yourself for true love. The first order of business is to clean house, starting with the basement--the place in the psyche where you store your most destructive thoughts. Room by room, Vanzant takes you through a metaphorical cleaning of the soul. This way, when your meantime days are over and love finally comes knocking on the front door, you'll have a clean house to welcome love into.

One Day My Soul Just Opened Up One Day My Soul Just Opened Up
40 Days and 40 Nights Towards Spiritual Strength and Personal Growth
by Iyanla Vanzant

Both an inspiring guide and a hands-on measurement tool that enables readers to chart their spiritual growth as it unfolds, "One Day My Soul Just Opened Up" encourages readers to use journal writing as a self-awareness process. Vanzant introduces 40 principles to follow and embrace in daily living as guideposts on the path toward spiritual strength and understanding National print ads & publicity (Inspirational)

Faith In The ValleyFaith in the Valley
Lessons for Women on the Journey Toward Peace
by Iyanla Vanzant

In the companion book to her best selling “Acts of Faith”, Vanzant inspires black women to look seriously at their lives and to try to determine how their own behavior may be causing avoidable problems. Addressing the eight valleys which create stress and imbalance women of color, Vanzant explores the valleys of understanding, courage, knowledge and wisdom, success, love, and several others to pinpoint which kinds of behavior may complicate certain key areas of life.

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