Amberwood Bookstore
Women's Health
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Natural Woman, Natural MenopauseNatural Woman, Natural Menopause
by Marcus Laux, Christine Conrad

From a leading expert on naturopathic medicine comes the definitive guide to natural menopause, featuring all the information women need to know about plant-derived hormone replacement—the proven safe alternative to Premarin and Provera. 33 line drawings

Menopausal Years Menopausal Years
The Wise Woman Way, Alternative Approaches for Women 30-90 (Wise Woman Ways)
by Susun S. Weed

It is wonderful to have this book as a resource. Weed covers a wide variety of health concerns and suggests herbal alternatives, with specific directions and how to choose herbs, as well as the ways to use them.  This book would be useful for any woman, regardless of age, as the problems addressed are not all strictly "menopausal", and the suggestions given can be a great help.

This is something that all women should look into as well as the men who love them.

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