Student Recognition
      The faculty and staff of Varney Grade School believe that a variety of student recognition programs are necessary to maintain it's trend of academic success.  Other contributing groups such as: Local School Improvement Council, Parent/Teacher Organization, and community and business partners help provide a variety of student recognition programs.
     High expectations, emphasis on academics, and monitoring have proven to be our most chosen methods of recognizing our primary students.

Honor Roll (sponsored by the LSIC): students are recognized on a six weeks basis for achievement in basic skills.  Honor rolls are published regularly and sent to parents and the media.

The Treasure Chest containing toys, bumper stickers, tokens for free snacks, and money are distributed to students on the honor roll.

McDonald's Report Card Incentive Program:  Sponsored by a local business partner, a student with perfect attendance or a maximum of two absences earns free food by taking their report card to McDonald's restaurant each grading period.

Perfect Attendance: students with perfect attendance in any  six weeks period of the first or second semester are entered in the semester drawing to win either a girl's or boy's bicycle. Four bicycles are given away each year.  The LSIC visits classrooms each six weeks period to remind students of the importance of regular school attendance and its relation to academic success. Each student with perfect attendance receives a pencil.

Student of the Week:  Each week a classroom teacher chooses a student of the week.  In addition to being recognized by the class, our students of the week are recognized with displays in the hallway and are featured in the monthly school newsletter.

Responsible Students Program:  Students are taught standards of the Responsible Students Program each week.  The RSP standards are: A. Always walk in the building and on the right side of the halls and stairs. B. Be polite: Call people by their proper name, talk using a respectful voice, obey people in charge of you. C. Come to school prepared:  Bring any homework, pencil/pen, books, paper, assignment sheet. D. Dismissed by the teacher. Other components are the RSP instructional units, standard reminder system, incentives and rewards, the reteach cycle, school support and leadership, and parents/community support.

Academic Achievement Awards: Annually VGS students receive a school-wide field trip for their success on the Stanford 9 Achievement Test. Students who score at or above the 60th percentile are awarded an academic trophy. Varney GS has received a number of  awards from the Mingo County BOE  for our outstanding academic achievement in total basic skills.

End of Year Awards Ceremony:  Held in June of the school year, teachers recognize their students for a variety of  accomplishments in all academic areas as well as attendance. This ceremony is attended by parents, family, and friends.

Presidential Physical Fitness Award Program: Students are recognized for attaining a challenging level of physical fitness.

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