Our Matinee Idol
What a great show! The show at Berbati's Pan, Portland , OR. was sold out!
Wow, was I lucky to win tickets or what. Thank you 107.5 (Portland , OR.).
OK so, it's like 9 p.m. and Me and my friend Mo are in this huge line
to get in to Berbati's. Show starts at 10:00 and tickets are sold out;
everyone in this huge line already have tickets of course.
So, the line starts moving my 9:45 to get into this dark and spacious
bar. We're all excited and waiting for the show to start at any
moment. Waiting, waiting, waiting, no band shows up on stage til 11
p.m. By that time, people mingled freely, room was smokey, and I
realized what a colorful crowed there was. People from all walks of
life.....yuppies, transvestites, gays, straights, couples, and seniors!
What an interesting crowd.
So, about 11 p.m., the opening band starts......Ben (something),
I'm pretty sure he's dating Claire Danes (Romeo & Juliet). He was
o.k., nothing to rave about. When we first saw the band, it reminded
us of Hanson. The group was pretty young and the keyboardist looked a
family member of Hanson. So, finally by midnight Ben was over.
Rufus came on stage after midnight of course .....yeah! He did his
best to dress like a northwest person......very grungelike; plaid
red/black shirt, some grungy t-shirt, and black jeans. He said, "I
put the Versaces's (spelling?) away and tried to look northwest!"
On the music poured, his dark haunting melodies that touch a romantic
spot in everyone there. The best part of the show was when he would
stop to talk alittle about what a song meant to him. The funniest was
"Four Walls"; he said, "This is a song about being in a room and my
lover, a cowboy, was fucking around outside with animals and stuff.
And I just want him to come in and stop fucking around and come fuck
ME!" the crowd laughs and giggles. He then says, "Excuse me, I'm
being very vulgar tonight, I guess I'm just lonely and need to get
laid." poor sweetie.
Well, if he doesn't mind groupies, there were plenty of frisky gay
gents in the crowed that night! Maybe he got "lucky".
One song that gave me goosebumps, that night, was the song that
starts......."Desdemona don't go to sleep........" ; Oh that song just
gives me shivers! I think of the fabulous and tragic movie "OTHELLO"
with Lawrence Fishburne. WoW!!!
I recommend it to everyone; it puts you in that dark, heart -wrenching
mental space for the song.
Oh, in one of his social pauses on stage, he said he went for a walk,
in a park, while in Portland and he found a statue. It was two Native
American men that had distressed lookes upon their faces, the statue
read "The Day the White Man Came."
Rufus says, "Hum , I should know more about that than they did!" ha!
ha! ha! Too funny!
The concert ended about 2 a.m. , I was pretty tired from standing in
one spot for 4 hours. No seating! Rufus was all-in-all humerous,
dark, melodic, and absolulely FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a great time!
Au Revoir for now,
Amber (age 25), Portland , Oregon. (:
Where To Now?
HOME: I want to start over, bring me home!
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