Our Matinee Idol
I went to see Rufus on March 13th, although it seems like only
yesterday. It was at The Met Cafe in Rhode Island. Although this
venue was 2 hours away, the show in Boston was 18+...but boy was it worth the
We arrived at 7:35pm, doors didn't open until 8pm. I was peering in
for a while, but Rufus was there yet. Imogen Heap was though. She
actually came out a couple times in that half hour. So, we went in at 8pm. My
friend and I snagged a spot right next to the stage...about 2 feet away from
Rufus' piano. There were no seats, except for bar stools, and a few chairs in
the back of the room. The place was extremely small too. There were about
180 people there the whole night too, so it ws very personal. I overheard
Imogen say that she was not going on until 9:45pm. That meant we had to wait
almost 2 hours until the actual show began!
9:45 rolled around and Imo came out. She didn't talk too much, she
just went right in to her stuff. She was very good. I had never heard
her before, so I didn't know what to expect. But, I was pleasantly
suprised...and I bought her CD afterward.
After Imo was finished she left the stage, and actually alot of people
left! I couldn't believe that wouldn't stay to see Ruf!!!
There was about 10 minutes in between Imo and Ruf. So, while
impatiently waiting, and violently shaking (I was so excited!) in he
He walked in so cool and calm. He was smoking a cigarette and he had
this knee length jacked on, fur trimmed, fake I'm sure. I could not believe
my eyes. There was my Rufus! My knees were dancing, they were shaking
like crazy! He walked by the crowd, right by me, and waved and said "Hi!"
We were all like, "Hi Rufus!!!!" About 5 minutes later he came on.
He started with Danny Boy, absolutely fabulous! I don't remember the
exact order of the songs BUT here is everything he sang...
~Danny Boy
~In my Arms (oh my god, this was gorgeous!)
~April Fools (Imogen sang harmony for this one)
~Baby (in the middle of this, he heard this disco beat from the club
next door and started singing it real discoey for a was cute =)
~Foolish Love
~Damned Ladies
~Millbrook (he did this faster than on the CD...but still wonderful)
~Beauty Mark (he played the first 2 notes with this little
kaneiving(sp?) look on his face, everyone cheered..he stopped, then started it regular)
~Barcelona (started, stopped, said they were going to fast, then
started again)
~Matinee Idol (oh my god,I can't even explain with words how
unbelievable this was!)
~Imaginary Love (Beautiful!)
~The Greek and wonderful
~California...he was so INTO this's so good!'
That was all. He was done. =( But...then 2 minutes later he came out
for his encore! Yippee!
~Sally Ann...he started it, stopped once again, and said to the
drummer, "Is this song really this slow?" He said "Yup". Then Rufus was like,
"Okay, whatever you say" Sarcastically of course...then went on
~Now this song was nameless....or maybe I just missed the name....but
it was about 'a psycho fan'. It was really good, and really funny.
In between all of these songs, Rufus was extrememly funny. Jokes here
and there, stories to beat the band! Burps, smiles and a beautiful face!
Now, here comes the real highlight of the evening. As Rufus was
walking off stage, he was about to walk right by me, and I mean RIGHT by. So, I
"Rufus!" He looked, and I said, "Could you sign this?" He said,
"Sure! One sec." He went in his little room,and about 3 minutes later came back
out. There was a line of about 15 or 20 people waiting to meet the man
himself....I was first though. Haha. So, he came out. Here's the
whole conversation.
Rufus "Hi"
Me "Hi!"
Rufus "Did you enjoy the show?"
Me "Yes! It was wonderful...I'm such a big fan of yours!"
Rufus "Thanks, glad you liked it"
Me "So, do you think you could sign this?" (My CD booklet)
Rufus "Sure! What's your name?"
Me "Christina"
Rufus "With a K or a CH"
Me "CH"
Rufus *signs* "Here you go"
Me "Thanks, and I was wondering, do you think you could take a picture
with me?"
Rufus "Sure! Come here."
***at this point I am about ready to die! He pulled me close to him,
put his arm around me, and I put mine around him, my friend had the camera and
when she went to snap the shot, the camera didn't work!***
Me "Oh no, the camera isn't on!"
Rufus "Oh no, does it work?"
Me "Yea, I just need to turn it on"
***he kept his arm around me, and while I was turning it on, he rubbed
my arm...up and down sort of***
Me "Okay"
Now Rufus still had his arm around me, and mine was still around him,
THEN he put his head down on mine, and I put mine on his shoulder!!!!!!!!! She
snapped the picture, I looke in to his eyes, and said "Thank you so
much" He said, "Your Welcome!" Then we both said our goodbyes. Oh what a
night! The picture is absolutely fabulous. He flashed the most beautiful smile,teeth and everything.
His head is down and mine, mine in his shoulder. It's
just beautiful!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, if you have any questions, or if I left anything out, just e-mail me at
I'll be glad to fill you in.
What a night that was, and a night is was that I shall never forget! So my
Rufus experience was extrememly great, and if you ever have the chance to see
him...DO GO! I assure you it'll be great!
Peace and Rufus Love to all that read this.
Where To Now?
HOME: I want to start over, bring me home!