~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ADRIENNE'S RUFUS WAINWRIGHT FAN PAGE~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Our Matinee Idol
Philadelphia's Theater of the Living Arts
The last time I saw someone so charismatic, charming, so musically
gifted with a warm sense of humor, it was the late singer/songwriter Laura Nyro.
That night I got to meet Nyro (my lifetime favorite), but alas---I couldn't meet
Ruffie because I didn't belong to local radio station WXPN. Members were having a
private meeting with him after his performance.
Rufus announced at the beginning of the set that he was fighting a
cold. He trooped right along though and didn't miss one note. He did the set of
songs he has been doing on this leg of his tour and included the new piece 'California'.
He came on wearing green pants and a beige top, buttoned not all the way up.
Carrying a beer, which he nursed through the performance, he stayed
mainly at the keyboard and crooned and swooned into the hearts of young and old.
The crowd was very mixed, but he seemed to see more of the teenage
group and commented on it. He also mentioned that the day before he had
lunch with movie maker John Waters. Other than that and a brief
remark that although 'April Fools' wasn't yet a hit, but someday
might be---he stuck to his gorgeous etheral music and limited patter
with the audience.
I was about three rows from the center stage and can't pick out one
song that he didn't give his all to. He stuck close to the latest recording, but
added more of a rock edge to it. His songs were as whimsical, lustful, and filled
with other-worldliness that one has come to expect from this superstar.
Could I pick a favorite song? Nope. He did each one from 'Rufus
Wainwright'and sounded exactly like he does on the recording, much as the way Laura
Nyro was able to. Nyro (http://www.LauraNyro.com), who passed away in 1997,
remained a cult idol and from Ruffie's energy and zeal it seemed
as if he was determined to go beyond that realm. When in Philly, he
gave interviews, met the WXPN members and was as energized as anyone could be.
It was his second time here and hopefully not his last.
He announced toward the end that he was fighting a slight cold, but
finished the set beautifully and showed that he is a super-trouper
in every sense of the word.
Ed White
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