Classic TV Catalog Page 2 #T130- SHERLOCK HOLMES VOL. 1 "Case of the Cunningham Heritage" (1954) * "Case of the Christmas Pudding" "Case of the Laughing Dummy" * "Case of the Singing Violin" * #T131- SHERLOCK HOLMES VOL. 2"Mother Hubbard Case" "Case of the Split Ticket" "Case of the Night Train Riddle" "Case of the Royal Murder" #T132- BACHELOR FATHER VOL. 1"Kelly For President" This series stars John Forsythe as single attorney Bentley Gregg who is trying to raise his teenage niece Kelly. In this episode Kelly is running for school president against a girl she doesn't like and decides to pull some dirty tricks to win. (w/original network commercials) "Fortune Cookie Caper" * In this episode Peter starts his own business selling his home-made fortune cookies. When Howard and Kelly get involved to help him he gets more business than he knows what to do with. "Bentley's Double Play" * In this episode Bentley has to try to be in two places at once when Peter and Kelly are both appearing in two different Thanksgiving plays. "Bentley & The Babysitter" * In this episode Kelly decides to start babysitting to make some extra money. When one of the mothers learn that her handsome uncle is single she starts loaning her children out to her single friends hoping to trap Bentley. #T133- LOVE THAT BOB VOL. 2"Bob Digs Rock 'n' Roll" In this episode Bob starts to appreciate rock 'n' roll music when he finds out that rock 'n' rollers really turn on the pretty girl that he's trying to impress. (w/original network commercials) "Boyhood Love Image" In this episode Schultzy tries to find out what kind of woman that Bob dreamed about as a child hoping to win him for herself. (w/ original network commercials) "Bob Plays Margaret's Game" In this episode Bob plans to spend Thanksgiving with one of his models but his sister Margaret has other plans for him. "Grandpa Joins The Air Force" * In this episode Grandpa is visiting and gets into trouble on the Air Force base when he borrows Bob's uniform and wants to join the Air Force. (syndicated version) #T134- I MARRIED JOAN VOL. 1(All of these episodes are the syndicated versions) "Predictions" * This series starred Joan Davis and Jim Backus as Joan and Brad Davis, Joan was always getting into trouble much to husband Brad's dismay. In this episode Joan finds a list of predictions that she made about her life and decides to follow them all through. "Blonde Bandit" * In this episode Joan poses as the notorious blonde bandit hoping to persuade Brad that anyone can be a criminal and to go easy on one in court. Brad though turns the tables on her by inviting real criminals to the house to join her gang. "Dinner Guests" * In this episode Joan and Brad both invite guests over for dinner, only problem is that the two guests hate each other. "Joan's Curiosity" * In this episode Brad warns Joan that her curiosity of always reading his mail before he does will get her into trouble. After Joan swears not to be curious anymore, she opens a big package with a life raft in it and ruins it. # T135- VINTAGE SITCOMS VOL. 8BLONDIE "Pilot" In the pilot show of the popular sitcom , Blondie tries to help Dagwood get a promotion at work by sending him a phony telegram that says that he just inherited a fortune. GREAT GILDERSLEEVE "Birdy's Marriage Plans" * In this episode Gildy is worried when his housekeeper Birdy plans to quit and get married. LIFE OF RILEY "Bab's New Dress" (1949) Jackie Gleason is Riley in this episode as Babs doesn't want to go to a school dance because she doesn't have a nice dress. Riley buys a used dress but the former owner of the dress is a snob at school who tells Babs that the dress used to be hers. (w/original network commercials) HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE "Cruise" * In this episode the girls take a cruise hoping to find the "millionaire" of their dreams. #T136- DRAMA VOL. 1PULITZER PRIZE PLAYHOUSE "Broken Dishes" 2/9/51 Stars Robert Stack, Marcia Henderson, James Dunn (60 min.) FOUR STAR PLAYHOUSE "The Blue Time" Stars Helen Hayes as a kleptomaniac and Burgess Meredith as a kindly store clerk. SCREEN WRITERS PLAYHOUSE "The Blue Beads" Stars Louie Jordan as a embittered man who gets a string of blue beads and learns the true meaning of Christmas. #T137- VINTAGE SITCOMS VOL. 9HOT OFF THE WIRE "No Help Wanted" * In this episode Mike and Dora think that a well known actress is broke and try to help her raise money. FIBBER McGEE & MOLLY "Fred Nitney Visits" 10/13/59 * Fibber's old friend from vaudeville visits the McGee's and starts to eat them out of house and home. WHERE'S RAYMOND "The Army Reserves" In this episode Ray joins the Army Reserves and tries to get out of it when he has a big show to perform in. (w/ original network commercials) HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE "A Job For Jesse" * In this episode the girls try to help Jesse the Elevatorman find a job after he's fired. #T138- AMOS 'N' ANDY VOL. 5"Second Honeymoon" Plans for a second honeymoon almost fall apart when the Kingfish and Sapphire argue over how they first met. "The Chinchilla Business" The Kingfish sells a couple of rabbits to Andy for $50 by telling him that they are chinchillas and will make him a lot of money. "Andy The Godfather" The love of a 12 year old for Andy's godchild is too much for him to handle especially since it is too the Kingfish's rotten nephew. "The Girl At The Station" At a party, the Kingfish is in good with the ladies and Sapphire doesn't like it at all, so when the Kingfish has his picture taken with a girl at the train station he's in big trouble. #T139- AMOS 'N' ANDY VOL. 6"The Turkey Dinner" Sapphire plans a special Turkey dinner for Thanksgiving but as usual the Kingfish fouls things up. "Madam Queen's Voice" Madam Queen re-enters Andy's life because the Kingfish sees her moneymaking possibilities as a singer. "Insurance Policy" A heaven-sent opportunity is given the Kingfish, Sapphire thinks he has only three weeks to live, which gives him three weeks to freeload. "Andy Buys A House" The Kingfish takes a job as a real estate agent and must prove himself by selling a house on condemned land-so he does, to Andy. #T140- THE INVISIBLE MAN"The Gun Runners" (1959) * "The White Rabbit" * "Flight Into Darkness" * "The Decoy" * (All syndicated versions) #T141- SCIENCE FICTION THEATRE(All syndicated versions) "Three Minute Mile" * Stars Marshall Thompson "The Last Barrier" * Stars William Ching, Tom McKee "One Thousand Eyes" * Stars Vincent Price "The Voice" * Stars Donald Curtis, Kristine Miller #T142- INVISIBLE MAN VOL. 2 (All syndicated versions)"Secret Experiment" "Man In Power" "Man In Disguise" "The Rocket" #T143- LIFE OF RILEY VOL. 2 (Starring William Bendix)"A Watch For Gillis" Riley buys a watch for Gillis to make up to him after a fight. "Junior The Football Star" Junior gets a swelled head after he becomes a hero in a football game. "Junior's Secret" Riley thinks that Junior is going to runaway and elope with his girlfriend. "Riley Buys a Wrestler" Riley invests his money in a wrestler who does nothing but eat. #T144- VINTAGE SITCOMS VOL. 10MY LITTLE MARGIE "Dream Girl" Margie tries to become a movie star's dream girl. TOPPER "Topper is Drafted" Topper is shocked when he gets a draft notice in the mail. REAL McCOYS "The Librarian" Grandpa falls in love with a librarian and pretends that he knows how to read. MY LIVING DOLL "Pilot" Bob tries to keep Rhoda's being a robot a secret. #T145- JACK BENNY SHOW VOL. 4"Jam Session" (w/original network commercials) Kirk Douglas, Fred MacMurray and others join Jack for a jam session. "G.S.- Liberace" Liberace is Jack's special guest. "Jack is Robbed" Jack has all kinds of traps to stop two robbers who break into his house late at night. "Jack is Arrested" Jack is arrested for disturbing the peace when he plays his violin late at night. #T146- VINTAGE SITCOMS VOL. 11I MARRIED JOAN "Bad Boy" Joan tries to change a criminal's son from being like his dad. BURNS AND ALLEN "Gracie Sees a Holdup" (w/original network commercials) Gracie is kidnapped by gangsters after she sees a robbery. HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE "Operation Greta" Greta tries to get a handsome playboy to fall for her. GREAT GILDERSLEEVE "A Woman's Charm" Gildy and Leroy both fall to the charms of two neighborhood women. #T147- VINTAGE SITCOMS VOL. 12MY FRIEND IRMA "Mysterious Jewelry" Irma suddenly is getting expensive jewelry from her new boss. LIFE OF RILEY "Tonils" Stars Jackie Gleason as Riley as he has to go to the hospital to have his tonsils out. MY LIVING DOLL "Day in Court" (w/original network commercials) Bob is taken to court for an accident that wasn't his fault. HOW TO MARRY A MILLIONAIRE "Good Time Charlie" #T148- CLASSIC TV COMMERCIALS VOL. 1"Celebrity Commercials Edition" (60 min.) Features Andy Griffith & Don Knotts, George Burns & Gracie Allen, Groucho Marx, Danny Thomas, and others in tv commercials from the 1950's & 60's. #T149- CLASSIC TV COMMERCIALS VOL. 2"Cigarette Commericals" (60 min.) Now banned from television, cigarett commercials in their glory days before all the warnings about cigarettes were issued. #T150- CLASSIC TV COMMERCIALS VOL. 3"Beer Commercials" Beer commericals have always been a tradition during tv sporting events. Now enjoy the best from the 1950's-70's. #T151- THE FLINTSTONES VOL. 1(All episodes have original network commercials and are in their original black & white format) "Fred's Diet" Fred goes on a tv show and is challenged to lose weight. "The Great Gazoo" Fred and Barney meet the Great Gazoo and get into nothing but trouble. "Old Lady Betty" Betty, dressed up as a old lady, is a suspected counterfeitor. #T152- THE INVISIBLE MAN VOL. 3"Crisis in the Desert" "Play to Kill" "Shadow on the Screen" "Jailbreak" #T153- SCIENCE FICTION THEATRE VOL. 2“Conversation With An Ape” “The Strange Lodger” “Doctor Robot” “Negative Man” #T154- BURNS & ALLEN VOL. 5“Harry Morton’s Private Secretary” 11/23/50 Gracie and Blanche think that Harry has a new pretty secretary but his new secretary turns out to be a man. “A Dent In The Fender” 11/9/50 Gracie tries to hide a dent in the car fender that she thinks that she caused. “The Diet” 8/2/51 Gracie and Blanche go on a crash diet and drives their husbands crazy. “Gracie Throws a Wedding” 9/13/51 Gracie throws a wedding for a girl that she owes a favor. The favor was that she gave her a seat on the bus. #T155- VINTAGE TV SITCOMS VOL. 13Date With Angels “There’s No Business Like Monkey Business” In this episode there’s practical jokes galore as the Angels try to get back at their friends. Corliss Archer “Long Distance Call” * (syndicated version) Mr. Archer tries to receive a long distance call but can’t ever seem to get the phone free. Corliss Archer “Algebra Problem” * (syndicated version) The adults try to figure out a complicated algebra problem that the kids bring home. Jackson & Jill “Model Mixup” #T156- VINTAGE TV SITCOMS VOL. 14My Little Margie “Subconscious Approach”(w/ original network commercials) Margie tries to trick her father into asking for a raise. My Little Margie “Day at the Beach” (syndicated version) Vern skips out of a work to go to the beach with Margie but is followed by a beautiful client. Corliss Archer “Dexter Breaks A Window” * Corliss Archer “Dexter’s New Suit” (both Corliss Archer programs are the syndicated versions) #T157- LIFE OF RILEY VOL. 3“Chicken Ranch” Riley tries to get his father to buy a chicken ranch. “Buttering Up A Millionaire” Riley tries to butter up Gillis when he thinks that he’s rich. “10:00 Scholar” Riley secretly goes to night school and Gillis and Otto thinks that he has a new set of friends. “Oily Birds” Riley and Gillis think that there’s oil on their land. #T158- LOVE THAT BOB VOL. 3“Snowbound” Bob and friend Paul are stranded in a cabin unitl they are rescued by a beautiful model. “Bob Restores Male Supremacy” “Shiek” “Beautiful Psycologist (all shows have original network commercials) #T159- VINTAGE COMEDY/VARIETY VOL. 5Red Skelton Show “G.S.- Ed Sullivan, Lennon Sisters” Red Skelton Show “Red Tries To Get Rid of Smog” (The first two shows have original network commercials) Colgate Comedy Hour- Hosts: Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis “G.S.- Burt Lancaster” #T160- BURNS AND ALLEN VOL. 6"George Buying a Ranch" 3/12/53 Gracie tries to get George to buy a ranch. "George Joins the Army" 3/19/53 The usual mayhem as Gracie gets George signed up for the army. "Three Days Bad Luck" 3/26/53 Gracie hears that George will have three days bad luck after a show. "George & Gracie Get a New Son" 3/30/53 Gracie pretends to be a boy's mother to impress his girlfriend. (All shows have original network commercials) #T161- OZZIE AND HARRIET VOL. 1"Father's Night at the Frat" (1957) "The Frat Rents a Room" (1962) "David and the Teenager" (1965) "The Nelsons Decide to Move" (1959) #T162- TALES OF TOMORROW VOL. 1*"Frankenstein" Stars Lon Chaney "The Invader" Stars Eva Gabor "Appointment on Mars" Stars Leslie Nielsen "Past Tense" Stars Boris Karloff #T163- LIGHTS OUT VOL. 1"The Faceless Man" Stars Robert Sterling "The Martian Eyes" Stars Burgess Meredith "The Meddlers" Stars John Carradine "Dead Man's Coat" Stars Basil Rathbone #T164- RED SKELTON SHOW VOL. 1"G.S.- Ed Sullivan, Lennon Sisters" "G.S.- Virginia Gray" "G.S.- Amanda Blake" "G.S.- John Carradine" (all shows have original network commercials) #T165- RED SKELTON SHOW VOL. 2"G.S.- Edward Everett Horton" "G.S.- Vincent Price, Jackie Coogan" "G.S.- Carol Channing" "G.S.- George Raaf" (all shows have original network commercials) #T166- RED SKELTON SHOW VOL. 3"G.S.- Jackie Coogan" (w/original network commercials) "Red Shows Off Emmy's" "Christmas Show" Guest- Harpo Marx #T167- TALES OF TOMORROW VOL. 2"Another Chance" Stars Leslie Nielsen "The Great Silence" Stars Burgess Meredith "The Evil Within" Stars Rod Steiger, James Dean "Ice From Space" Stars Edmund Ryan #T168- TALES OF TOMORROW VOL. 3"Ghost Writer" Stars Leslie Nielsen "The Miraculous Serum" Stars Lola Albright "All The Time In The World" Stars Esther Hanson "The Crystal Egg" Stars Thomas Mitchell #T169- LIGHTS OUT VOL. 2"The Upstairs Floor" Stars John Forsythe "The Last Will of Dr. Rant" Stars Leslie Nielsen "Strange Legacy" Stars Robert Stack "Another Country" Stars Yvonne DeCarlo #T170- AMOS 'N' ANDY VOL. 7"Father By Proxy" "Andy Gets A Telegram" "Kingfish Gets Drafted" "Hospitalization' #T171- AMOS ‘N’ ANDY VOL. 8“Viva LaFrance” “Relatives” “The Happy Stevenses” “The Diner” #T172- MYSTERY SHOWS VOL. 3- All Dragnet Edition“Big Producer” (w/original network commercials) “Big Doting Mother” (w/original network commercials) “Big Shoplift” “Big Hit & Run” #T173- VINTAGE COMEDY/VARIETY VOL. 6Colgate Comedy Hour- hosts Abbott & Costello “Guest Star- Errol Flynn” Colgate Comedy Hour- hosts Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis “Guest Star- Rosemary Clooney” #T174- I LOVE LUCY VOL. 1“Lucy Does a TV Commercial” The classic episode where Lucy gets intoxicated from a cough serum. “California Here We Come” The Ricardos and Mertzes prepare to go to Hollywood. “Handcuffs” Lucy and Ricky are two in one when Lucy doesn't have a key to handcuffs they are wearing. “Lucy Learns To Drive” Ricky tries to teach Lucy how to drive. (All four shows have original network commercials from the 1950’s) Classic TV Catalog Page 1Classic TV Catalog Page 3 2000 Copyright Eldon Russell Video Services Website Developed and Maintained by Eldon Russell |