Who Is Rustfans!

Rustfans serves the interests of modellers and fans of industrial railways and
the Iron and Steel industry in the United Kingdom and throughout the world.

Its aim is to become the first destination for modellers seeking
information and contact with other modellers sharing their interests.

Headquarters is situated at http://www.egroups.com/group/Rustfans where a number
of facilities are freely available.

Egroups offers a group email service but there is also an up to date files section
containing images of prototypes and models, model catalogues, a database
containing a magasine index, a bibliography, a membership list and records of
all group messages.

Rustfans began with a very narrow remit to serve the needs of modellers in
the UK but it quickly became apparent that there was a need to cater for interest
worldwide and to include non modelling topics.

It was founded in September 2000 and has rapidly attracted interest from a wider
group than first envisioned. It is evolving to meet the needs of the group by
being flexible and willing to adapt to the needs of the growing list of subscribers.

The nature of model kit manufacturing in the UK is such that we rely heavily on
the efforts of a few individuals who are both modellers and manufacturers.

In many case, kit production is a labour of love and seldom returns realistic
commercial benefit for the amount of effort that goes into kit production.
Sometimes these low volume kits are here today and gone tomorrow.

It is for this reason that Rustfans is particularly keen to encourage the
participation of small manufacturers. They do not always have the resources to
publicise and market their wares. By doing so, we believe that we can share the
benefits to both manufacturers and their customers. By supporting them today we
can hopefully expect a wider range of products to be available tomorrow..

~~ Rustfans/ISISIG Contacts ~~

Please contact the following people for further information on the Iron and
Steel Special Interest Group!

Phil Baggley

FOUNDER: Rustfans Group.
MODERATOR: Rustfans group on egroups.

Brad Peadon

WEBSITE: Design and maintenance for group website.
Australia: Please contact if you would be interested in forming an
Australian Chapter of the group!

Photo: Workington Blast Furnace after closure! - - Phil Baggley


The ISISIG was set up to produce a magazine for those not on the net
and those who are interested in modelling the steel industry!