Celestial Creation

Why has the celestial, transparent creation been so long withheld that nothing of it has been manifest (1678) except the old model of things which has run on from generation to generation until there has arisen a universal doubt as to the possibility of a renovation bringing in a celestial model upon what is now corporeal?

God, seeing His creatures to be so satisfied and reconciled to this low and mean way of existence in mortal forms, hath so permitted generation after generation to fulfill their course, till by a mortal death they have expired this life and suffered all the effects which original sin brought forth.  But now the ancient prophecies of a new state of things are to be fulfilled.  And blessed are they that are come within the view of this restored state and do believe to see the jasper stone to descend out of the everlasting mountain to bring forth that strange and wonderful change upon those who are first to be awakened out of the dead and secure sleep.  For the hour is come for the dead, or those who have rested in the silent grave, to hear the voice of the trumpet and thereby to come forth according to the design of the Holy Ghost.  As it is written, all shall not die but be changed as meet subjects to live under the reign of the Lamb in a new sheepfold.  They will be separated from the goats and wolfish nature that has acted forth in and through many during the Lord's absence.

Jesus often did in His day dart forth such sayings as to this restitution in reference to body, soul and spirit.  The mystery was little understood either then in His day or even in this present day (1678), but such as those to whom the clear glass of Wisdom is given may see into it by the clear eye of the spirit.  Such was to my own rational mind uncouth, and I often did oppose this truth until extraordinary powers and convincing arguments were forthcoming for the informing of my belief, the holy Scriptures bringing in confirmation to it.

One which was brought to my mind was John 11---"Whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die."  It was thus expounded to me---Ye who were dead in trespasses and sins, yet through believing in Me, ye are consecrated thereby to live evermore in the unity of My life.   Then John 8---"Verily if a man keep my saying, he shall never see death."  [NOTE:  The same was said of Jesus and He obviously was crucified and THE major doctrine of Christianity is that He arose from the dead.  It is, therefore, obvious that this "never seeing death" is NOT speaking of physical death at all but of the spiritual dying that takes place due to sin:  "The wages (outcome, "payment") of sin is death.  It is my contention, then, that this aforementioned scripture means that if a man keep the sayings of the Lord, he shall never sin and THEREFORE will not experience ("see") spiritual death - separation of spirit from God.  There are all too many of God's people today who find it easier to believe that a man will not see physical death than believe that a man could be brought to follow the Lord in all and, therefore, never sin - even though the Lord Himself said "Be ye perfect, EVEN AS YOUR FATHER WHICH IS IN HEAVEN!"  THAT is perfection, indeed - and, in point of fact - in DEED].  This was a strange saying which the Jews took up presently to disprove Him by pointing to the patriarchs and prophets who were deceased.  As to their death, our Lord did not deny.  Except for Enoch and Elijah, we have no knowledge of any who have died a natural death.  Yet, it is written, "God is not the God of the dead but of the living."  And then there is Paul who says in the 5th of II Corinthians, "For we know if our earthly tabernacle be dissolved, we have another building of God, an house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens."  What is it that the apostle drives at but that mortality is to be swallowed up of life.

But the question may arise in some minds as to why the redemption of the body was not made manifest in that day when the Holy Ghost first descended?  We have no record that anyone upon whom the cloven tongues rested were changed from their mortal existence---only they were endowed with extraordinary gifts and powers to witness that Christ was ascended.  Those signal powers that then wrought forth in the disciples by way of miracles and the curing and healing of diseased bodies and sometimes in raising the dead, was a ministration peculiar for that age.  But I will give you the very words of the Spirit as they did run through me saying, That now these cures wrought upon diseased mortals were but as a forerunning type to show that the same spirit of power would work in its day in a far higher and more wonderful way than by propping up and keeping up the old fabric of mortality which could never bring perfect restoration to the burdened and grieved seed.

Therefore expect another day of Pentecost to come which will bring a perfect cure to mortals, even to a transmuting of the vile bodies that they may appear conspicuously and transparent, so that they may be in likeness to a jasper stone.  This will be the next shower and rushing power that will go through the mortal death.  This mortal death have all shared in in common, the just and the unjust alike.  But though death has reigned over all for 5,000 years (written in 1678), hath God so decreed that it should be so until the end of time?  No verily, the last ages shall see other things as the Holy Inspirer has frequently shown me.

But then came in this question, "If it should be possible to attain to this resurrection body like that of our Lord's upon His resurrection, what should any do with such a body to walk and converse among those who as yet retain their persons and their mortal bodies?"  It was answered that such mortals as should be counted worthy of this immortality and such as should be appointed hereunto for some peculiar work to transact in this principle for the Lord, know this; they shall not be without their change of raiment and shall have ability to put off and on their ethereal body that as occasion may require [NOTE:  Absolutely correct!  It is the ETHEREAL body that is resurrected after all conditions of spiritual death - death to the independent self - are spiritually met, the INNER spiritual (ethereal) body that is so dead to man that he has absolutely NO AWARENESS that such a Man lays dead within until resurrected!  The perfect man sleeping since Gen. 2:21!] .  For thus did Christ after His resurrection or the disciples would have been terrified at His presence when He frequently visited them and did eat corporeal food and yet, of a surety had during that 40 days time free exit and entrance into the mystery of the Father's glory.  When He had put on His celestial body He could then pass among all the angelical thrones, but when He had further business of His Father to dispatch, He could draw over the veil of humanity for consistency with creatures who were yet in their earthly bodies.  Even angels, when they had any message to deliver to mortals, appeared to Abraham and Lot in the garb of mortality.  Also, it was given me to understand that the rich capes and vestures assigned only to the priests to minister in the Most Holy Place, is all but a type of heavenly things---that there was to be a holy priesthood which shall be clothed upon with the immaculate white robe of purity which shall have entrance into the very presence of God by the putting on of that spiritual body and then the putting it off again while amongst mortals.                                                                  ..Jane Leade:  "A Fountain of Gardens"