Sunset Boulevard, Show Boat and Miss Saigon

Sunset Boulevard is based on the 1950 film noir of the same title. The show centers around Norma Desmond, an aging silent film star who has been left behind with the invention of the "talkies." Norma lives in her mansion with her butler, Max Von Mayerling. Norma is planning a comeback as she believes she is still, the greatest star of all. Joe Gillis, an aspiring writer on the run from the repo men trying to repossess his car turns into the garage of the star. He recognizes her and she hires him to help her with her script that will once again launch her career. Joe gets sucked into this woman's dream and in a desperate attempt to get out finds himself in love with his best friend's fiancee. The show ends with Norma killing Joe and when the cameras arrive she goes dillusional. "I'm ready for my close-up Mr. Demille." This show was written by Andrew Lloyd Webber and has starred such divas in the role of Norma Desmond as Betty Buckley, Glenn Close, and Dihann Carroll. I am told the show has also won numerous Tony Awards such as best Musical, and I remember seeing the house as the setting for one of the Tony Awards Show a few years ago. Another thing about the special effects was the housem it was huge, very cool. I loved the special effects in this show.

I went to see Sunset Boulevard in March of 1997. I had the CD and had listened to it for a while before I had gone to see the show. I have to say that I was, in a way, dissapointed. Let me explain, I mean the music is pretty good, and so were the sets, but the subject was quite boring, it was not fall asleep material, but I must admit it was not great. There were a couple of excellent numbers such as With One Look, Sunset Boulevard and As If We've Never Said Goodbye, and my personal favourite, The Lady's Paying. The show was not horrible, but I don't think I would go and see it again. It has some great solo songs as mentioned before and the show, I believe is catered to a certain type of people and that is people who knwo stuff about the movies, and what can happen. I must admit feeling a sadness for Norma though, at the end she is reduced to nothing, it feels real and although she has killed Joe, and we as the audience witnessed, you can't help but feel sorry for the frail, agin star. i really did enjoy the special effects in this show, for instance when the two thugs are chasing Joe, the screen thing that they do is one of the coolest things I have seen in a long time. I really thought the house was one of the coolest parts in the show, if you haven't seen it you'll hafta see it to understand what I mean.

Now, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy the show, and I definiteley reccomend it. When I went the role of Norma was to be played by Dihann Carroll, but we got the understudy. I must say I head the Dihann Carroll recording and this woman, whose name escapes me right now, was much better. So good for her! I also have heard the Glenn Close CD and I believe that of all three Ms. Close did the best job, she rocks! I would like to hear Betty Buckley because I am told she does well too!

Sunset Boulevard Links

Showboat is the story of the Cotton Blossom Floating Theatre, but it is much more than that. It is a story that spans three generations of the Hawks family and other people on the Cotton Blossom, including the leading lady, Julie. The show features numerous show-stopping numbers including Ol' Man River, Can't Help Lovin' Dat Man of Mine and Bill. This show was written by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein and is a very good show.

I went to see this at the Ford Centre for the Performing Arts, and it was my first show in that theatre. It was spectacular. I really enjoyed all the songs and dance numbers. I thought it was cool how they had the huge boat on stage. It wasn't one of my favourite shows, but I did enjoy it and would go see it again. The one particular part I really liked, and this'll sound bad, but hear me out, was the end... when Joe sings "But Ol' Man River, He Jes Keeps Rolling Along..." and the spotlights are on each of the people. I think that is so cool!!!!

If I were in this show I would like to play the character Fred, I love the song, "GoodBye My Lady Love," and he just seems like such a cool character. Another character would be Capn' Andy, he's like the lead and hardly has to sing. Another cool part of the show was at the end of Act One, when Magnolia and Ravenal confess to Parthy that they are getting married and she faints, it was hilarious!!! I definiteley reccomend going ot see this show as it was really well done. It is also Tony-Award Winning! below is one Showboat link , 'cause that is all I could find, if you have more, send them to me please!

Showboat Links

Miss Saigon opens in a sleazy strip bar run by The Engineer. He is a sleazy pimp and takes pleasure in selling his girls to the American soldiers who are fighting the Vietnam war. A new girl has come and he takes her in, she is Kim. He claims "men pay a lot for virgin ass." Kim does her routine and meets Chris, a soldier. Chris' friend tells him to enjoy himself as the war is almost over. Chris and Kim share a night of passion and Chris wonders what he has done. The American army decides it is time to pull out and Chris promises Kim he will take her with him. Flash forward to three years later. The engineer is still trying to get to America and Kim has a son. Chris has moved on in his life after despairing about Kim for two years. He is now married to Ellen. John, Chris' friend, tells him that he has a son and the three (John, Chris and Ellen) fly to Vietnam. As Chris is looking for Kim, Kim confronts Ellen, who claims she is Chris' wife. Ellen sings the haunting, "Her or Me," I won't ruin the ending. The show was written by the duo who composed Les Miserables, Alain Boublil and Claude-Michel Schonberg. The show has great music such as Sun and Moon, The Last Night Of the World, Bui-Doi and the hilarious American Dream, sang to perfection by The Enigineer. Other characters in the plot include Thuy, Kim's cousin and supposed Fiancee. Although the story is not documented fact the circumstances surrounding it are. There are numerous excellent special effects and even a helocopter! This show is, I believe, still touring and definiteley one to go and see.

I definiteley put Miss Saigon up there on my fave musicals list. It is well-written and well-preformed. I think that the character I would most like to be is the Engineer, he is hilarious! I bought the CD and I lvoe to sing and dance around to the American Dream... I know, sounds gay, but it's fun! :) Another song I really love is Bui-Doi, in the show I saw it was done so well. This musical is one of the best I have seen... the special effects are phenomenal, like I said there's a helocopter!!! There's tons of other cool things too, but I don't want to ruin it. One part I liked was the evacuation scene... it was so neat how the gate changed places and everything and how you got to look at the evacuation from all sorts of different angles. I suggest going to see this show if you have the chance, you'll cry, I guarantee it! Like I said, this show will make you laugh and cry at the same time. It is easy to see that it is written by the same men who wrote Les Miserables. I would like to say to everyone who has not seen it to go and see it... Below are just a few of the many links that there are out there for Miss Saigon, I suggest you check them out, but make sure you come back here!

Miss Saigon Links

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