Buddha was born in a royal family of the Himalayan kingdom. He was still a baby when an old sage named Asita visited the palace . Asita was a godly man and he gave the good news to the father of Buddha that his son would become the Saviour of Man.
Buddha was then called Prince Gautama. His father provided his beloved son with all the enjoyments of life. He wanted to make his son a good king. But Guatemala found that worldly pleasures alone were not the cause of comfort. One day He saw an old man , then a man who was sick and then one  who has died. He  found out that  all  human beings  were  subject to suffering and death. Therefore, He realized  the spiritual happiness alone  could  make all
men really happy. He left  His  home, His  wife  and child to seek  spiritual  truth. At the
beginning He went to far away jungles and denied  Himself food  and  comfort. This
was not helpful. For if the body is weakened , mental powers also grow weak. It
 was under a Bodhi Tree in India that Buddha received  His  enlightenment.
From that day He  started  His  great  mission to save  mankind  from
suffering. He told men to purify their souls and minds, to avoid
greed and dishonesty and to realize that this world of
suffering is a place where they should prepare
themselves for eternal and spiritual
joy and happiness.
He set an example for us in His blessed life. Where He was sitting under the Tree wrapped in meditation, Mara, the evil one, tried to tempt Him by offering Him the wealth of the world and the pleasures of sense. But Buddha, the Enlightened One, overcame the forces of evil. His power was the power of the spirit.
Through His wonderful teachings, Buddha helped millions of people of various nations to attain spiritual salvation.
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