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 God loves us. He wants us to love Him too. Baha'u'llah says:

                   "  O son of the Wondrous Vision,
                      I have breathed within thee a breath of My own spirit, that thou mayest be
                      My lover. Why hast thou forsaken Me  and  sought  a beloved  other than
                      Me?  "

To be God's lover! That is the sole object of life  for  a  Baha'i. To have God as his closest companion and most intimate friend, his Peerless Beloved, in Whose Presence in fulness of joy! And to love God means to love everything and everybody, for all are of God.The real Baha'i will be the perfect lover. He will love everyone with a pure heart, fervently. He will hate no one.
He will despite no one, for he will have learnt to see the face of the Beloved in every
face, and to find His traces everywhere. His love will  know no limit of sect,
nation, class or race.
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