This has come to pass as we all know . the great Persian and Roman Empires were defeated
by a handful of Arabs who lives were transformed after they  believed  in  Mohammed  the
Prophet of God , and accepted His divine Message. The Message of God transformed
the lives of millions of other people too, for the teaching of Islam spread from India to
Spain . During the age of Islam's golden civilization many different nations were
united in one great brotherhood . they offered their daily prayers to the One God,
the Compassionate , the Merciful. They recited Holy Quran which prescribes a life of
virtue and submission to the Will of the Almighty . Even today millions of people all over
the world pray the same prayer and read the same Holy Book . Mohammed , like all the Manifestations of the past, assured His followers that a great Messenger would come
after Him. He said that the Religion of  God  which  had  come  down from heaven
through Him, would  go  back to God after passing of a  thousands  years . By
this he meant that people would forget His teachings in the course of one
thousands years . But after that , He said , when no trace of God's
Religion was left on earth , a mighty Trumpet sound would be
heard - not once but twice - and the people of the world
would behold the Face of God Himself.
The Trumpet sound means the Call of God . The Call of God has already been
raised twice in this age foretold by Mohammed . the Bab appeared exactly one thousand
years after the revelation of Islam . Almost immediately after  him , Baha'u'llah declared His Mission . Was it not the Bab Who  called  men  to God and reminded them of God's great Promise? And was it not Baha'u'llah Who raised up the cry a second time immediately
after the Bab, calling upon the children  of  God to behold His Face?
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