To face its new obligations in the liberated zones, SNA/SAF has recognized the need for building an autonomous civilian Program of relief and rehabilitation to address present and future needs of civilian population, refugees and dislocated. SNA/SAF built two autonomous, private, non-profit organizations for implementing its Relief and Rehabilitation Program. This Program aims at providing the target groups with basic life support, health services, water projects, and supporting small-scale development initiatives, women development projects, in addition to various administrative activities. In this Program and others, SNA/AF aims at building the capacity of the local organizations, and contributing towards creating the foundations of civic society in the liberated areas. SAF has always been sensitive to and conscious of the need to work with people and preserve their way of life and norms of behavior. Whatever help there may be will be channeled in such a way that will strengthen social systems and civil society. Through this program, SAF has sent a plea to the international community for support with medicines, clothes, food, agricultural equipment, water tankers, trucks, porter cabins, and mobile hospitals, etc.

To contact Amal Trust for more information , To join Amal Trust , To support the activities of Amal Trust , you can write to:

Main Office:

SFC-Amal Trust
P.O. Box 3397, Asmara, State of Eritrea 
Tel & Fax: 291-1-201262 
