What is SAF?
SAF is a democratic resistance movement dedicated to:
*overthrowing the Islamic fundamentalist government in Sudan .
*Replacing it with a functioning democracy.
By functioning democracy , SAF means a government based on:
1-Equal Human Rights.
2- Free and Fair Elections.
3-Rule of the Law.
Why was SAF formed?
SAF was formed in August 1994 as a democratic , secular , non-regional political/military organization .SAFs founders include several of the same civilian and military leaders who were involved in the 1985 general uprising that toppled the military dictatorship of General Numeri in Sudan. SAFs roots can be traced back to the professional associations, trade unions ,universities , peace and student movements ,and the liberal wing of the Sudanese military .Since its founding ,SAF has grown into the second largest military organization in the Sudanese opposition (only the Sudan People s liberation Army {SPLA} is larger) . SAFs remarkable growth has born out the belief that there is a thirst in Sudan for a new democratic ,secular , non-regional party -- a party dedicated to establishing a functioning democracy in a "New Sudan", a party of new ideas , a party untainted by the failures and catastrophes of recent Sudanese history.
Why has SAF taken up arms?
SAF had no choice . IN June 1989, a fanatic minority of Islamic fundamentalists seized control of the Sudanese government in a military coup .They were led and inspired by Hassan al-Turabi and his extremist party-the National Islamic Front (NIF) . Turabi then imposed a one-party state on Sudan . and all political activity was banned. The dictatorships secret police(trained by the Iranians) operate "Ghost Houses" , where those suspected of engaging in political activity are routinely interrogated and tortured .Simply put .if you engage in political activity in Sudan , the government will try to imprison or even kill you. Under such conditions, those who want democracy have no alternative but to take up arms.
How is SAF ran?
SAFis directed by an eight person Executive Committee{The Political-Military Beurea}.The Executive Committee is composed of two military officers ,an international lawyer ,a trade unionist ,tow academicians ,a business man and a medical doctor .The Executive Committee include founding members of Sudan's human right and peace movement, and the youngest member on the Executive Committee is a woman .Because of the current primacy of military actions, Brig. Abdel Aziz Khalid is the current chairman of the Executive Committee and the Commander of SAF military forces. However , a vote of the civilian -dominated Executive Committee is the final word in all SAF actions.
Will SAF negotiate with the Dictatorship?
SAF is always ready to negotiates the transition to a functioning democracy, and will welcome the opening of negotiations on this subject .However ,SAFs final objective of establishing a functioning democratic government in Sudan is not negotiable. Every other form of government -military dictatorship ,Islamic dictatorship ,elected governments without rights for minorities- has been tried in the old Sudan with disastrous results .Functioning democracy which guarantees equal human rights, conducts free and fair elections , and enshrines rule of law is the answer for the New Sudan .There can be no compromise or negotiation on this fundamental point.
What have been SAFs recent military activities?
After a several successful limited operations in Eastern Sudan during the year 1996, in January and February of 1997,SAF coordinated its first large military operation with the Sudanese people liberation Army(SPLA).The operation was quite successful, and the opposition forces now occupy a swath of territory near the dam that supplies 80% of Khartoum's electricity . SAF administrates the liberated territory north of the Blue Nile {around Menza}, and the SPLA the liberated territory south of the Blue Nile. In March , SAF conducted another joint operation in the northeastern part of the country .This time it was a joint collaboration between SAF , the SPLA and the Beja Congress. A chunk of territory near the red sea -including Aqiq Bort-was taken and the opposition still holds it. in April 1997,SAF lead the attack that overran the NIF camp at Togan Near the strategic Port Sudan to Khartoum road. And in August 1997 SAF opened a new front south of El Gadarif and liberated Basunga erea.
How many fighters does SAF have?
The exact number is of course a military secret, but SAF has more recruits than it can presently train or equip .If SAF can obtain a relatively small increase in resources ,it can easily assemble a military force which working in collaboration with the SPLA can overthrow the NIF government. IN addition to the SAF fighting units in the border regions, SAF has an extensive under ground network inside the country.
What is SAFs relationship with the National Democratic Alliance(NDA)?
The National Democratic Alliance-NDA- is the umbrella group of all the major Sudanese opposition organizations, and SAF was one of the original four members(with DUP, Umma Party and SPLA)The NDA has now grown to about 11 members .Although there will of course be disagreements in any organization of this size, for such a diverse group the NDA has maintained an impressive degree of unity in working towards its goal of toppling the extremist Islamic regime .SAF signed and supports the NDAs June 1995 Declaration of Asmara.
What is SAF s call for a" New Sudan "?
SAFs call for a new Sudan states opposition to the archaic relations, structures and mentality which have fostered inequality among citizens and the marginalization of the m majority of Sudanese.
What is SAFs relationship with the Sudanese People s Liberation Army(SPLA)?
SAF has a good relationship with the SPLA. Both organizations are fighting for a democratic ,secular form of government.
What is SAF s position on independence for Southern Sudan ?
SAF believes that tow Sudan's at peace is better than one Sudan in war with itself, and SAF supports the right of the southern Sudanese to self -determination .In this regard , SAF specifically supports the provision in the NDAs 1995 Declaration of Asmara, which gives southern Sudan the right to vote on independence at the end of a four year transition period after the overthrow of the fundamentalist regime .During this four year transition period, southern Sudan will have the opportunity for the first time to live under a government that protect individual human rights and attempts to equitably develop all regions of the country . SAF believes that a single Sudan united in its diversity is the ideal future for all Sudanese , and SAF will do all it can during the transition period to make its vision of the future appealing to all Sudanese .However , it will be up to the people of southern Sudan to make that final decision on independence or union at the ballot box at the end of the four year transition period.
Is Sudan destined to split a part into ungovernable fragments like Somalia?
This is very unlikely. In Somalia the conflict is primarily tribal, while in Sudan the conflict is primarily ideological .Once those who believe in a secular , democratic form of government twin in the battlefield , and with a binding referendum on independence or union for the south scheduled at the end of a four year transition period , there will be very little to continue fighting over. While those who adhered to the defeated extremist ideology(a religion based state without equal human rights for all Sudanese) ,could in theory retreat to the "bush" to conduct guerilla war , in reality this is not a practical worry. Without a neighboring country willing to give them a secure sanctuary , such defeated remnants could never mount a credible threat to a new democratic , secular government. All of Sudan's neighbors has suffered to one degree or another from Islamic extremists based in Sudan , and none of these governments are likely to invite armed Islamic fundamentalist extremist to set up bases in their countries.
What is SAF s View of the proper relationship between government and religion in a New Sudan?
SAF believes in the basic separation of religion and the state. SAF further believes that the new Sudanese constitution must have a Bill of Rights, which guarantees each individual's full right to religious freedom .However , SAF also believes that it is an acceptable function for a democratic government to promote religion in the broad sense ( In other words encouraging the worship of the God of your choice or participation in the religion of your choice. as long as the government does so in a general manner that in no way favors any particular religion .
How does SAF administrate or co-administrate areas it liberated from the dictatorship?
Political administration of militarily liberated areas is primarily carried out by local officials appointed or confirmed after consultation with the local population . Where possible , SAF cadres carry out political education programs on the future transition to a functioning democratic government in Sudan .Humanitarian administration of liberated areas is carried out separately and is directed by the Sudan Future Care -Amal Trust (AMAL), an independent humanitarian organization registered in Eritrea. There is a pressing need for immediate humanitarian assistance to the population in the liberated zones in the provisions of basic life support , health programs , water projects , small scale development initiatives , and small income generating development projects , especially for women.