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King Faisal Specialist Hospital (630 beds) - Riyadh, Saudi Arabia ______________ JUL 95 - JUN 00

Executive Assistant, Hospital Operations - reporting to the Executive Director for Hospital Operations, responsible for assisting key administrators and department heads to improve and integrate management systems, including budget programs, patient utilization data systems, executive information systems, and productivity/performance measurement. Provided guidance and input to create the Hospital intranet system. Also, reporting simultaneously to the Medical Director for Ambulatory Care Services, contributed significantly to a more efficient and effective extensive outpatient service. Converted the manual clinic attendance documentation to an on-line, point-of-service system. Assisted in implementation of SmartStream Decision Support Module and in Data Repository integration. As key member of the Steering Committee for Joint Commission Accreditation International (JCIA), organized the monitoring of standards and measures on Access, wrote the Annual Quality Review Cycle, trained Project Leaders in FOCUS-PDCA, which was the methodology of our Performance Improvement Program. Developed the framework for the hospital Decision Support Services program. Created the System for Quality Improvement and Results Management, which was adopted by the Chief Executive Director of KFSHRC.

Previous Significant Accomplishments:

As a Hospital Administrator and Healthcare Management Consultant, progressively and continuously promoted the philosophy, principles and skills of inter-personal excellence and teamwork. In the management and coordination of department heads of several acute-care hospitals, promoted and achieved excellence in healthcare service delivery. Conducted development programs in basic managerial methods, particularly Total Quality Management (TQM) and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI).

Successfully coordinated the JCAHO survey and accreditation process in a 500-bed hospital in Saudi Arabia in 1994 using an Excel-based method of indexing and problem-identification. Conducted numerous training and development workshops in JCAHO standards and results management. Achieved the highest rating possible for JCAHO accreditation in a 50-bed hospital in the USA.

 Created a highly effective Excel-based "Executive Performance Profile" which combines the patient utilization, financial, and personnel statistics to create performance index and key indicator ratios. This method supports the Budget and Planning function to ensure budget accountability and variance correction.

 Created an effective method of planning and budgeting using "Critical Success Factors" and trending of key performance methods at the Departmental and Hospital Level, currently installed in over 10 hospitals in the USA, India and Saudi Arabia.

As the Hospital Administrator, coordinated the successful commissioning of hospital operation practices in a large hospital in Madras, India. Coordinated the development of the itemized patient billing system using the Current Procedure Terminology coding standards of the American Medical Association. Completed numerous patient-billing projects to ensure accuracy, timeliness, and effective A/R Management.

Reporting to a Saudi Program Director, successfully implemented a Master Contract Compliance Program to ensure the American contracting company completely fulfilled the terms and conditions of a five-year hospital-commissioning project.

Under exceptional cultural circumstances in Saudi Arabia in a 300-bed military hospital, directly supervised the hospital departments of Patient Registration and Admissions, Outpatient Services and Medical Records. Coordinated the development of a wide variety of computerized applications, including Master Patient Index, Admissions and Census, Medical Record Abstracting and Uniform Data Sets, and Outpatient Scheduling.

Coordinated and directed numerous projects to improve materials management systems, especially in effective inventory management and property control. Directed the Forms Management Committee in several institutions, and promoted an extensive variety of "check-list" approaches to work improvement.

Participated in the successful development and implementation of a computerized decision support and data comparison reporting system for an 800-hospital association in the USA. For the same organization, completed three regional hospital-group productivity-improvement projects with significant cost-saving results.

For a 500-bed hospital in Miami, Florida, successfully completed a training program for the department heads and supervisors using the widely-adopted American Management Association's course in "Management for Healthcare Supervisors".

As a Hospital Corpsman in the US Navy, provided direct nursing care on a 28-bed inpatient unit for Orthopedic and Neurosurgery. After completing a training program in laboratory technology, served two tours of "independent duty" as a lab technologist, including a 7-month tour aboard an aircraft carrier in the Mediterranean. Responsibilities included duty in the Emergency Room, Pharmacy, and Radiology.

Developed exceptional skills in executive use of Microsoft Excel, Access and other PC-based programs, especially in downloading from mainframe applications. Currently seeking to exploit and integrate new technologies such as groupware, email, internet and local area networks to enable more effective communication and information-sharing. Another area of significant interest is the "community healthcare information network" (CHIN) and wide-area healthcare networking links and standards.

Academic Record:

1973 - MPH, Healthcare Administration (Honors), UCLA, Los Angeles, California

1970 - BA, Psychology and Economics (Phi Beta Kappa), UCSB, Santa Barbara, California

1965 - Clinical Lab Diploma (Honors), US Navy, National Naval Hospital, Bethesda, Maryland

1963 - Hospital Corpsman (Honors), US Navy, San Diego Naval Center, San Diego, California

1961 - High School Diploma (National Honor Society), Clark Air Force Base, Philippine Islands

Community and Professional Associations and Personal Interests:

American College of Healthcare Executives, American Hospital Association, MENSA, Hospital Information and Management Systems Society. Past Service organizations also include Rotary International, Medical Explorers, and YMCA. Reasonably fluent in French (2-years college); active in jogging, golf, and travel.