What y' Gotta Know to Get Fit – Get the Detail as you Progress.

  1. Take ACTION. Talking about taking action is not enough :---). Trying is not doing.
  2. If it hurts – stop! Use your head; think about how you are moving, make it FLOW, and notice how your body feels. Make the necessary adjustments, and STOP if your body tells you so.
  3. You are responsible for how fit you are. Fitness is a function of nutrition, exercise, and attitude. Build the foundation. Develop your strategy for fitness, and get going. Energy pumps are in your feet; keep 'em moving.
  4. Know your numbers. Measure your resting heart rate. Keep a record of your fitness stats - month-by-month and year-by-year, for a lifetime. Know that average resting heart rate is 72, but healthy/fit is below 50. Go for it.
  5. To get fit, you have to WORKout. Heart rate must stay in the training zone, somewhere around 150-160 beats per minute, for 20-30 minutes. You can skip one day, but don’t skip two. "If you're too busy to exercise, you ARE too busy."
  6. The basic parameters of a WORKout: How often, duration, weight carried, and tempo (speed).
  7. What are the benefits of fitness? Do you really have to ask? :---)
  8. "Don't sit on your but". Overcome the "if only", "ought to", "I would’ve, could’ve, should’ve, but" with WILL power. Anytime is a good time - morning, noon, or night :---)
  9. You ARE what you eat. Take a good look, and STOP eating the stuff that hurts (GRAVY, CREAM, CHEESE).
  10. At long last, when you join the top 99th percentile (Sigma, resting heart rate below 50), you will enjoy sharing your success and fitness knowledge with your family, friends, and others. This is even better.

 :---) :---) :---) :---) :---) WRISTBUILDER (iplus@rocketmail.com)


A few good books:

Heavyhands Walking Book, Dr Leonard Schwartz, 1990.

Make the Connection, Oprah Winfrey and Bob Greene, 1996.

Setting Goals, John Renesch, 1983

Choice Theory : A New Psychology of Personal Freedom, William Glasser, 1998.