Buddy Martin
810 Military Dr.
Corpus Christi TX. 78416
United States
Network Administrator, programmer (C++/C, Visual Basic, Pascal)
I have a strong mathematical background. Amoung the courses that I have taken
are Calculus I, II, & III, Statictics, Discrete mathematics, Pre-Calculus,
Advanced Calculus. I also have programming experience in C++/C, Pascal, Basic
FORTRAN, COBOL, J++, Visual BASIC, and 8088/8086 assembly language. I am very
familiar with the Windows 95, and Windows 3.x, Novel 3.x, as well as UNIX and
Machintosh environments. I have written part of a compiler, have done many
projects for my self-gradification and designed my own website. I love the
internet and know my way around it very well. I also have very good people
skills, due to my years of tutoring.
Math Lab Monitor, Bee County College I was in charge of
the Math Lab. My responsibilities there were to help anyone
who walked in with their Math problems. Worked with all
types of attitudes without problems. Learned how to get
along with all types of people and sharpened my math skills.
Math Tutor, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi I was a Math
tutor. My job was to help anyone who walked in with their
math problems. Had to deal with people in all kinds of
situations. Helped out sometimes in the Computer Lab, and
designed web pages to the Tutoring and Learning Center.
I also taught three TASP classes.
1989-1992 High School Diploma, Pettus High School
1992-1995 Associates Degree, Bee County College
1995-1998 Bachelors Degree, Texas A&M University Corpus Christi
Very familiar with Windows 3.x, Windows 95, DOS, UNIX environment, Novel 3.x,
and Macintosh Computers. Have programming experience with, C++/C, Visual Basic,
Pascal, FOTRAN, COBOL, 8088/8086 Assembly Language, Basic, and J++. Have
written part of an assembler for a class. Familiar with Windows NT.
Have created web pages. Have created my own web site. Have experience
installing various hardware: modems. memory, printers, scanners, hard drives,
CD-ROMs, and CPUs . Familiar with E-mail and the Internet.
Very good Algebra skills. Have tutored Geometry, trigonometry,
Calculus I, II, & III, statistics. Have taught three TASP courses.
These are the programming languages that I know
- ?8088 Assembly Language
- C/C++
- J++/java
- Visual Basic
I'm currently a graduate at Texas A&M University Corpus Christi. I'm a computer Science Major with a minor in math. I love comptuers. One of my loves is video games. I guess that's why I'm really into computers. I simply can't be into something without haveing to find out how it works. I've always been that way. Computers is my way of answering a lot of question I've had about video games.
I'm working on a game myself. I'm still kicing around a few ideas. I love to program and solve problems.
I have a Hewlett Packard Pavilion. It's up to a P150 now, and I've done other upgrading to it.
That's all the time I have to deicate to this page... other pages need my attention for now, but keep checking back here
I'm constantly updateing these pages.
I'll be adding more stuff here soon! Of all my pages, this is the one I have neglected the most. Sorry if this page is a little cheesey, but I'm not quite sure what I want to put on these pages.