Situated around 80 k.m. from Munnar is the Periyar wild life sanctury & Tiger Reserve.

Periyar wild life sanctury has a 55 sq. km.lake , the Periyar lake, surrounded by forests which provide protection to the wild animals.

Periyar is one of the few place where one can see the elephants in their natural surroundings .

Apart from the elephants one may get to see Wild Pigs , Sambar , Barking Deer and very rarely one might also get to see a tiger . The Periyar Tiger Reserve has a population of about 40 tigers.

One can take a tour of the sanctury on the motor launches run by the forest department and by the K.T.D.C., these boat rides last for about 2 hours during which you coast along the edges of the Periyar lake in search of wild life.

I would personally recomend the early morning ,7:30 am ,boat for the early riser's and the last boat, 4:30 pm, for those who do not like to get up early (especially honeymooners) since these are the times when one is most likely to get to see wild animals who come out of the dense forest to drink water.

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