Phoebe's dancing baby Page

The original dancing baby was created by Ron K. Lussier in Oct/Sept of 1996. It travelled through his office very fast and was unbelievably popular. From there it hit the internet like a storm. Encore Video and Liquid Light made the babies T.V  debut  happen on the "Ally McBeal" show. Now its everywhere from Commercials to Sit Coms to Music Video's. I think this baby is here to stay. The dancing baby was created with 3DStudio Max and Character Studio from Kinetix.

First official dancing baby

Second baby created

If you like screen savers I've got a good one for HERE

Dancing Baby Links

Unofficial Dancing Baby Homepage

Chris's Dancing Baby Page

Wild City Dancing Baby

Dancing Baby Collection Page

Popped Dancing Baby

Bossa Nova Dancing Baby

BigDave's Dancing Baby Page