
Hi again and welcome to my world.....ok here's alittle bit of history of my life so you can get to know me. I was born in Guelph, Ontario on Jan. 6/62 (ya ya I'm old)  I moved in 1995 to Windsor, Ontario which is about 3 hours from my home town. Ok enough about that stuff...on to more important things, like music. I am into Techno BIG TIME as you will see from my CD collection BUT I also enjoy Alternative Music. See in Guelph all that was available was Techno so thats why I enjoy that so much but down here in Windsor, Alternative Music is all that everyone seems to listen to so I got hooked on it too.

I was gonna just list the songs I like but I figured I might as well just list all the CD's I have cuz I do like them all. Just click on the links below to get to the type of music you like.

My Hobbies and Interests


Ummmm lets see......Interests....well thats easy COMPUTERS *DUH*
Actually as of Jan 19/99 I start school, I'm going through to get my Webmasters Certificate  THEN watch out, my HP will be ROCKIN (hopefully) and I may even get a job....that is if I want one, its just nice to have the papers to say I'm qualified.

I love being active outdoors.....roller blading is one of my favorite activities in the summer time....oh and I can't forget water skiing (you should see me ride them waves YaaaHoo!!!). Dancing aahhhh dancing, my ALL TIME favorite thing to do.....getting ready on a Saturday night.....getting my dancing shoes on and its P-A-R-T-Y time.
Quiet times for me is taking my boat out on the lake and cranking up the tunes and getting a thats fun too don't you agree?? Sometimes I just find a quiet place in my house and write poetry (not that I'm any good at it) about my life and what I'm feeling at that particular moment. Winter time is not one of my favorite seasons BUT what can ya do....ya can't change it (unless ya move to California or something HINT HINT *WINK*) so I mostly just stay indoors and play with my page or talk to some good friends I've made in Powwow.

I don't watch to much T.V but when I do its mostly horrors and stuff like that...ya know Jason and Freddy (Gotta love them nails dude!!) the more blood and guts the better is what I always say....and if I go to the theatres, *SAME* if I can't be scared it wasn't worth paying $8.00 for. I also have two other fav's "City Of Angels" and "Fools Rush In"....if you get a chance to watch either one of them you'll be pleasantly surprised, there both great movies.

Oh ya one more thing....WHAT THE HECK IS A SLOW LANE???? HUH HUH :)


Computer Games

Noctropolis.....11th Hour......Nascar.....Full Throttle.....Doom.....Panic In the Park.....You Don't Know


My Powwow Handle

Why I picked Phoebe for a handle:

I picked the name Phoebe because first I like that name and also if you have ever watched the show *Friends*
you will see that Phoebe is a kind and very real person. That part of her character best describes me. Its just to bad she is portrayed as an air head.....that part is not me at all.