Saturnchild's Outer Senshi Shrine

In Sailormoon, the various soldiers have drifted into various groups: the inner soldiers, star soldiers, the asteriod soldier, and my favorite, the outer soldiers. Called that because they come from four of the outer planets of our solar system, I think they are much cooler than the other soldiers and deserve a little recognition. They fight harder, love harder, talk harder, so this page just for them. If you don't really know who they are, you can easily visit write ups of their personalities and basic stats. If you do, I hope you enjoy this little tribute. Thanks!
The Three Soldiers of the Outer Planets
The Soldier of the Lone Planet

You may be wondering why I have split up what is usually considered to be a team into sections. Well, to being with, there is no real relevance of them all being together. Pluto, Uranus, and Neptune are the three outer planets, and their respective warrior came into SailormoonS (I know, Pluto was in SMR) as carriers of the Talismen that would produce the Messiah. Saturn, a cold, distant, beautiful planet with no real connection to anyone, had a soldier who arrived and was the vessel and then was the destroyer of an absolute and ultimate evil. The outer three are bound together by a counterpartness of meaning, element, and attack; Saturn stands alone, unconnected, with an untouchable power that goes deeper than any tangible element, and a meaning twisted around comprehension. Because of that, I feel that they deserve recoginition in their real, rightful divisions: as the Outer Three: Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto and The Lone One: Saturn. Plus, I like Saturn the best and have done a hell of a lot more on her pages than the others.

Give North America a chance to meet and love the Outer Senshi and Eternal Sailormoon -- sign the petition and support SOS.
Thanks to Sunni for letting me use this coolie picture! Visit her neat-o page as thanks!

I created this page, Naoko created Sailormoon. This is a page for fans, by fans.

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