Nova Scotia Tourist Industry pressures province on Sunday Shopping
Well the nerve of the Tourist Industry they do not want to give up on having Sunday shopping all year around in Nova Scotia. First we had Sunday shopping six weeks prior to Christmas , then a plebiscite is to follow this October in Nova Scotia. But that's not good enough for the Tourist industry . They are now pressuring the provincial government to allow Sunday Shopping for another trial run this summer. YET once again we do not see them mentioning about opening anything else but "RETAIL". Now people what's wrong with that picture? Government offices, Municipal offices, dentist offices, schools. banks, are all closed on Sunday not to mention they are all closed on Saturday. Just a thought on schools and time lost due to the storms. You never see it being suggested time to be made up on a Sunday do you? Ever notice that retail are the only ones expected to give up there Sundays? Ever notice we already offer the consumer six days and six nights to shop? Another trial run is as stupid as the first one we had. IT did not work. Families suffered and lost valuable time over the Christmas Holidays, while others enjoyed shopping at other people's expense. It strikes me funny how retail is treated different from other occupations. If you never worked in retail you would not understand how most of us feel. For instance have you ever heard of people saying that other people have to work Sundays! Have you ever went to a restaurant , bought gas ? Ok I can see what people are saying to make those comments, but here again the argument only pertains to retail. A government worker or someone that works Monday to Friday ventures into a restaurant on a Sunday, what do you think is being said to them? Absolutely Nothing is being said to them, but let a retail worker do it and they are dragged through the mud. My beef is that retail workers are the same as someone that works at a bank or government office . We were NOT hired to work on Sundays. If the tourism industry was so concerned about tourists they would be campaigning to open everything on Sunday instead of singling out retail. Why doesn't that surprise me? This Fall the Nova Scotia Tourism industry plans on running advertisements to convince the public that we need Sunday shopping. Our question is WHO is paying for all those advertisements? The taxpayer???? While I'm on a rant , why not email and contact you're MLA's , all the parties of this province and tell them how unfair and unjust this request is.
Using Storms as a excuse to open stores on Sunday While some people in our province thought it was a desire need to open stores on Sunday because of a recent storm , we were not fooled by the excuses by our government. Being bothered by the decision to open stores on Sunday , we wrote some letters to the editor expressing our opposition to such a move. Heck , I even took time to email the Premier John Hamm about it. After a short time , I received a reply from Ernst Fage. Here is his reply. Dear Mr. Lohnes:
Well after that reply, I just had to email him back with my response. Dear
Mr. Fage,
So now I await a reply from Mr.Fage. Whether we will get one or not is another story.